理查德·格裏格(Richard J. Gerrig)是美國紐約州立大學的心理學教授。獲Lex Hixon社會科學領域傑齣教師奬。在認知心理學研究領域有專長,是美國心理學會實驗心理學分會的會員。從《心理學與生活》這部經典教科書第14版修訂時開始,格裏格成為該書的閤著者。
菲利普·津巴多(Philip G. Zimbardo)是美國斯坦福大學的心理學教授,當代著名心理學傢,美國心理學會主席。40多年來,由於他在心理學研究和教學領域的傑齣貢獻,美國心理學會特嚮津巴多頻發瞭Hilgard普通心理學終生成就奬。由他開創的《心理學與生活》這部經典教科書哺育瞭一代又一代心理學工作者。津巴多主動讓賢,推舉格裏格為《心理學與生活》第16版的第一作者。
This classic text emphasizes the science of psychology, with a special focus on applyingpsychology to students' daily lives. Now available ina special edition tied to the award-winning “Discovering Psychology” video series , produced by WGBH Boston with the American Psychological Association. Author Phil Zimbardo narrates the video series, as leading researchers, practitioners, and theorists probe the mysteries of the mind and body and bring psychology to life for introductory students. Each new copy of the text comes packaged — at no additional cost — with access to MyPsychLab, an online tool that includes links to the “Discovering Psychology” videos, as well as interactive viewing activities tied to the videos. Students can go to MyPsychLab to launch the videos and then either complete the viewing activities in their textbook or do the assignments online. There’s also an Index of Multimedia that makes it easy for instructors to find and launch specific video segments for classroom presentation. Psychology and Life continues to provide a rigorous, research-centered survey of the discipline while offering students special features and learning aids that will spark their interest and excite their imaginations. Discovering Psychology was produced by WGBH Boston with major funding from Annenberg Media. Institutions requiring students to view the Discovering Psychology videos for academic credit may be required to pay Annenberg Media a licensing fee. Please consult http://www.learner.org/telecourses/index.html for details before accessing the videos. If you have further questions please call 1-800-LEARNER (532-7637).
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誰知道這個封麵是神馬意思?煩請告知! 名畫嗎?話說第十三版的封麵也很奇怪! (“抱歉,你的評論太短瞭。”尼瑪,我就這一個問題啊!你讓我說幾遍!你讓我說幾遍!你讓我說幾遍!你讓我說幾遍!你讓我說幾遍!)
評分看完書後,發覺得身邊的很多人都需要去看心理醫生,作長期的心理治療. 其實心理生病比生理生病更可怕,那是無形的黑暗的感覺.因為當你身邊最親密的人對任何小事很敏感的時候那是很可怕的.一種無形的壓力壓嚮你,覺得時刻處於崩潰爆發的邊緣的感覺,如履薄冰,小心翼翼......總之,很糟...
評分大一時,專業課的第一本教材。是16版。 當時捧在手裏厚厚的一本,覺得很是滿足,像是打開瞭扇門。 很奇怪的,因為老師的緣故,課並沒有好好上。但是這本書,卻是所有教材裏麵看得最多,也最喜歡的。光是用熒光筆劃記的痕跡就有深深淺淺,不同顔色的很多。 內容很全,也很通俗...
評分在國內,心理學被很多暢銷書、沒有學術經曆的專欄作傢弄成瞭三不像。他們說這一些斷章取義的話,誤導大眾已久。把活生生的科學變成瞭雞湯,真的大丈夫嗎? 如果你真的喜歡心理學,非常推薦閱讀此書。雖然有一些內容有一些深奧,但是整體還是能讀懂的。書中有一些小案例也非常...
圖書標籤: 心理學 心理
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