JOSE SARAMAGO is one of the most acclaimed writers in the world today. He is the author of numerous novels, including All the Names, Blindness, and The Cave. In 1998 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
In an unnamed country on the first day of the new year, people stop dying. Amid the general public, there is great celebration: flags are hung out balconies and people dance in the streets. They have achieved the great goal of humanity - eternal life. Death is on strike. Soon though, the residents begin to suffer. For several months undertakers fake bankruptcy, the church is forced to reinvent its doctrine, and local 'maphia' smuggle those on the brink of death over the border where they can expire naturally.
Death does return eventually, but with a new corteous approach - delivering violet warning letters to her victims. But what can death do when a letter is unexpectedly returned?
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死亡是一件猝不及防的事情,今年年初時,爹爹就是這樣去世瞭。 整個一年中,我除瞭在悲傷中懷念爹爹外,便開始一次次地思考生命,我還是不明白,怎麼突然間就感覺到人的生命就這麼脆弱這麼短暫呢?爹爹隻是在夜裏睡覺時翻瞭下身,就突發中風,然後在醫院強撐瞭十來天後,終於沒...
評分讀的過程中突然想起托爾金《精靈寶鑽》中的一句話,看《精靈寶鑽》就看瞭一點點,但是對這句話印象深刻:人類的“命運”(the Doom,或“禮物”[the Gift])是必死的命運,擁有脫離世界範圍的自由。也正是因為追求不同,同為半精靈的孿生兄弟埃爾隆德和埃爾洛斯選擇瞭不同的命...
評分 評分讀的過程中突然想起托爾金《精靈寶鑽》中的一句話,看《精靈寶鑽》就看瞭一點點,但是對這句話印象深刻:人類的“命運”(the Doom,或“禮物”[the Gift])是必死的命運,擁有脫離世界範圍的自由。也正是因為追求不同,同為半精靈的孿生兄弟埃爾隆德和埃爾洛斯選擇瞭不同的命...
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