鲁思·本尼迪克特(Ruth Benedict)1887年生于纽约。原姓富尔顿(Fulton),其祖先曾参加美国独立战争。她本人大学时期主修英国文学。1919年入哥伦比亚大学研究人类学,是Franz Boas的学生,1923年获博士学位。1927年研究印第安部落的文化,写成《文化的类型》(Patterns of Culture,1934年出版)一书。1940年著《种族:科学与政治》(Race:Science and Politics),批判种族歧视。第二次世界大战期间从事对罗马尼亚、荷兰、德国、泰国等国民族性的研究,而以对日本的研究,即《菊与刀》一书成就最大。战后,她继续在哥伦比亚大学参加“当代文化研究”,于1948年9月,病逝。
菊与刀 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分If one has to apply cultural anthropology to any ethnic group, and the ultimate goal is plausibility, the choice cannot get any better than Japan. The country and its people lend so readily to stereotypes, that it almost feels like bullying to categorize th...
评分If one has to apply cultural anthropology to any ethnic group, and the ultimate goal is plausibility, the choice cannot get any better than Japan. The country and its people lend so readily to stereotypes, that it almost feels like bullying to categorize th...
菊与刀 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书