Mark Millar and Steve McNiven - who last teamed for the monumental Civil War - bring us the most important Wolverine story of the 21st Century. Nobody knows what happened on the night the heroes fell. All we know is that they disappeared and evil triumphed and the bad guys have been calling the shots ever since. What happened to Wolverine is the biggest mystery of all. For 50 years, no one has heard hide nor hair from him... and in his place stands an old man called Logan. A man concerned only about his family. A man pushed to the brink by the Hulk Gang. A man forced to help an old friend - the blind archer, Hawkeye - to drive three thousand miles to secure his family's safety. Get ready for the ride of your life, Logan Collects Wolverine #66-72, and Wolverine Giant-Size Old Man Logan.
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大名鼎鼎的《金剛狼:老羅根》(網譯金剛狼:暮狼尋鄉)其實不是個尋鄉的故事, 而是個混閤瞭冒險、復仇、守護和發現自我的故事。 暴戾的鋼爪不為殺戮,隻為救贖。 曆經滄桑的老狼渴望忘卻過去,但無法忽視內心的準則,用最後的氣力守護僅存的正義。 沉寂——冒險——傷心往事...
評分這個故事發生在平行宇宙,從一開始就和所有的英雄故事不一樣。這個曾經是超級英雄的罪人已經是個廢人。在鷹眼的誘騙下走上瞭末日之路。 故事情節不是我想要說的,也不劇透。應該注意到所有的這些隻是the run,the mind or the soul是什麼。當你老瞭,麵對過去的種種無法...
評分大名鼎鼎的《金剛狼:老羅根》(網譯金剛狼:暮狼尋鄉)其實不是個尋鄉的故事, 而是個混閤瞭冒險、復仇、守護和發現自我的故事。 暴戾的鋼爪不為殺戮,隻為救贖。 曆經滄桑的老狼渴望忘卻過去,但無法忽視內心的準則,用最後的氣力守護僅存的正義。 沉寂——冒險——傷心往事...
評分記得第一次看wolverine:old man logan時,封底的一句話吸引瞭我:50 years ago,wolverine died(很可惜,引進版把這句話刪掉瞭。個人認為,這句話纔反映齣瞭故事的精髓。)當時的我就好奇瞭,既然wolverine已經死瞭,那麼封麵上這個有狼爪的老人是誰呢?(顯而易見,當然是金...
圖書標籤: comic Marvel
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