Silent Spring 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
题目不是问题,无论是《寂静的春天》还是 春天的寂静。 问题是我们究竟有多少人认识的没有鸟叫的春天是多么可怕的一件事情! 是的,我们可以用科技模拟一切,当然包括鸟叫虫鸣,我们不必出去,我们可以宅在家中,外卖,一个电...
评分文/吴情 谈及春天,我们总容易想起“红杏枝头春意闹”、“佳节清明桃李笑”这样清新明快的诗句。细细品味咂摸,可以发现,无论是“闹”,抑或是“笑”,感人之处都在于将春天写活写亮。春天,记忆的春天也好,现实的春天也罢,都应是一副生机盎然的模样:“春江水暖鸭...
评分文/吴情 谈及春天,我们总容易想起“红杏枝头春意闹”、“佳节清明桃李笑”这样清新明快的诗句。细细品味咂摸,可以发现,无论是“闹”,抑或是“笑”,感人之处都在于将春天写活写亮。春天,记忆的春天也好,现实的春天也罢,都应是一副生机盎然的模样:“春江水暖鸭...
评分书的内容就不用我评述了,但是翻译的水平、抑或是态度,却让我非常不满。 不知是我的中文阅读水平不到家,还是最近英文看得太多,总之我总感觉这本书看起来疙疙瘩瘩的。
图书标签: 英文原版 Carson 科学 寂静的春天 Rachel PopSci Original Environment
Now recognized as one of the most influential books of the twentieth century, "Silent Spring" exposed the destruction of wildlife through the widespread use of pesticides. Despite condemnation in the press and heavy-handed attempts by the chemical industry to ban the book, Rachel Carson succeeded in creating a new public awareness of the environment which led to changes in government and inspired the ecological movement.
对于英语学习者而言,语言上还是有很多借鉴之处的;提出的概念在当时,甚至是现在也是难能可贵。 只是行文会有点枯燥,不是很吸引人的那种
评分<Silent Spring> is powerful, after reading it I turned down an opportunity of working with a global industry leader, whose core competence lies in genetic engineering, which has been constantly a heatedly debated issue...
评分well written! but it takes some courage to go through such a serious book.
评分well written! but it takes some courage to go through such a serious book.
评分well written! but it takes some courage to go through such a serious book.
Silent Spring 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书