傑弗裏·阿切爾生於1940年。迄今為止,他已經有25部作品齣版,纍積銷量超過1.3億。他曾11次榮登《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷作者排名榜第一位,他的作品為他帶來瞭巨大的經濟收益和聲譽,是國際知名暢銷書作傢。傑弗裏·阿切爾還有非常傳奇的個人經曆,他曾經在政治上輝煌一時,又曾親曆四年的牢獄生涯,1992年女王誕辰紀念日,阿切爾還受封為爵位不能世襲的終身貴族,本身就可謂就是一個傳奇人物。 事實上,《華盛頓郵報》稱他為“可以與亞曆山大·大仲馬相提並論的敘事者”,《星期日郵報》則評價他為“我們這個時代最偉大的敘事者和小說傢。”
This is the story of a man who loved two women, and one of them killed him. Some people have dreams that are so outrageous that if they were to achieve them, their place in history would be guaranteed. Francis Drake, Robert Scott, Percy Fawcett, Charles Lindbergh, Amy Johnson, Edmund Hillary and Neil Armstrong are among such individuals. But what if one man had such a dream, and when he'd achieved it, there was no proof that he had fulfilled his ambition? "Paths of Glory", is the story of such a man. But not until you've turned the last page of this extraordinary novel, will you be able to decide if George Mallory should be added to this list of legends, because if he were, another name would have to be removed. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From the Back Cover A novel about one man’s extraordinary quest to climb Mt. Everest from the one writer who could bring such a towering, epic tale vividly to life #1 New York Times bestselling author Jeffrey Archer Some people have dreams that are so magnificent that if they were to achieve them, their place in history would be guaranteed. But what if one man had such a dream…and once he’d fulfilled it, there was no proof that he had achieved his ambition? PATHS OF GLORY This is the story of such a man: George Mallory. He once told an American reporter that he wanted to climb Mt. Everest “because it’s there.” On his third attempt in 1924, at age thirty-seven, he was last seen six hundred feet from the top. His body was found in 1999. And it still remains a mystery whether he ever reached the summit… “There isn’t a better storyteller alive.” —Larry King “A storyteller in the class of Alexandre Dumas.” — Washington Post “Archer is a master entertainer.” — Time
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為登人生之巔,從此永不止步。 第一次聽說馬洛裏是在一部叫《珠峰幽魂》的紀錄片裏,然後知道瞭馬洛裏,然後知道瞭這本書。 這本書給我的感覺有兩個,一個是史詩,一部關於登山者、夢想、奮鬥以及時間的史詩。而令一個感覺就是震撼,一種發自內心的震撼,在最後有關珠峰的描寫...
評分1、喬治沒爬過威尼斯的聖馬可教堂和巴黎的埃菲爾鐵塔,這是肯定的。雖然他小時候在傢裏時為瞭偷跑齣去爬過屋頂,在學校時也上過牆,但這不代錶他成年後會在大庭廣眾之下去做爬聖馬可和埃菲爾鐵塔這樣噱頭的事情並給他人製造麻煩。 2、Archer寫喬治在索姆河戰役中“受傷”入院...
評分喜歡那句:原來我花瞭這麼長的時間纔發現,你比我的生命還重要。 人總是要在離開的時候纔發現,很多值得珍惜的東西就在身邊,但是當你再也抓不住的時候,纔開始後悔沒有珍惜。可是,為什麼不早發現一點呢?
評分1、喬治沒爬過威尼斯的聖馬可教堂和巴黎的埃菲爾鐵塔,這是肯定的。雖然他小時候在傢裏時為瞭偷跑齣去爬過屋頂,在學校時也上過牆,但這不代錶他成年後會在大庭廣眾之下去做爬聖馬可和埃菲爾鐵塔這樣噱頭的事情並給他人製造麻煩。 2、Archer寫喬治在索姆河戰役中“受傷”入院...
評分喜歡那句:原來我花瞭這麼長的時間纔發現,你比我的生命還重要。 人總是要在離開的時候纔發現,很多值得珍惜的東西就在身邊,但是當你再也抓不住的時候,纔開始後悔沒有珍惜。可是,為什麼不早發現一點呢?
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