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The iPhone Developer's Cookbook


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Erica Sadun著名iPhone技術專傢,暢銷書作者。佐治亞理工學院計算機科學博士,擁有多年Apple開發經驗,著有30多本技術書籍,涉及編程、數字媒體、網站設計和數碼攝影等多個領域。Erica開發瞭十多個本地應用,他常在其iPhone編程博客發錶些極有見地的文章。

The iPhone Developer's Cookbook pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

"This book would be a bargain at ten times its price! If you are writing iPhone software, it will save you weeks of development time. Erica has included dozens of crisp and clear examples illustrating essential iPhone development techniques and many others that show special effects going way beyond Apple's official documentation." --Tim Burks, iPhone Software Developer, TootSweet Software "Erica Sadun's technical expertise lives up to the Addison-Wesley name. The iPhone Developer's Cookbook is a comprehensive walkthrough of iPhone development that will help anyone out, from beginners to more experienced developers. Code samples and screenshots help punctuate the numerous tips and tricks in this book." --Jacqui Cheng, Associate Editor, Ars Technica "We make our living writing this stuff and yet I am humbled by Erica's command of her subject matter and the way she presents the material: pleasantly informal, then very appropriately detailed technically. This is a going to be the Petzold book for iPhone developers." --Daniel Pasco, Lead Developer and CEO, Black Pixel Luminance "The iPhone Developer's Cookbook should be the first resource for the beginning iPhone programmer, and is the best supplemental material to Apple's own documentation." --Alex C. Schaefer, Lead Programmer, ApolloIM, iPhone Application Development Specialist, MeLLmo, Inc. "Erica's book is a truly great resource for Cocoa Touch developers. This book goes far beyond the documentation on Apple's Web site, and she includes methods that give the developer a deeper understanding of the iPhone OS, by letting them glimpse at what's going on behind the scenes on this incredible mobile platform." --John Zorko, Sr. Software Engineer, Mobile Devices "I've found this book to be an invaluable resource for those times when I need to quickly grasp a new concept and walk away with a working block of code. Erica has an impressive knowledge of the iPhone platform, is a master at describing technical information, and provides a compendium of excellent code examples." --John Muchow, 3 Sixty Software, LLC; founder, "This book is the most complete guide if you want coding for the iPhone, covering from the basics to the newest and coolest technologies. I built several applications in the past, but I still learned a huge amount from this book. It is a must-have for every iPhone developer." --Roberto Gamboni, Software Engineer, AT&T Interactive "It's rare that developer cookbooks can both provide good recipes and solid discussion of fundamental techniques, but Erica Sadun's book manages to do both very well." --Jeremy McNally, Developer, entp Want to get started building applications for Apple's iPhone and iPod touch? Already building iPhone applications and want to get better at it? This is the only book that brings together all the expert guidance--and the code--you'll need! Completely revised and expanded to cover the iPhone 3.0 SDK, The iPhone Developer's Cookbook is the essential resource for developers building apps for the iPhone and iPod touch. Taking you further than before, this new edition starts out with an introduction to Objective-C 2.0 for developers who might be new to the platform. You'll learn about Xcode and Interface Builder and learn how to set up and configure your iPhone Developer account. Additional highlights of this new edition include: Using the iPhone SDK's visual classes and controllers to design and customize interfaces Using gestures, touches, and other sophisticated iPhone interface capabilities Making the most of tables, views, view controllers, and animations Alerting users with progress bars, audio pings, status bar updates, and other indicators Using new Push Notifications to send alerts, whether your app is running or not Playing audio and video with the MediaKit Working with the Address Book, Core Location, and Sensors Connecting to the Internet, Web services, and networks Embedding flexible maps with MapKit and Google Mobile Maps Building multiplayer games with GameKit Using Core Data to build data-driven applications Selling add-on content and services with In-App Purchasing using StoreKit Building accessible apps with Accessibility Plus The unique format of The iPhone Developer's Cookbook presents the code you need to create feature-rich applications that leverage the latest features of the iPhone 3.0 SDK. Over 30,000 iPhone developers turned to the first edition of The iPhone Developer's Cookbook. So should you!

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出版者:Addison-Wesley Professional
作者:Erica Sadun
價格:USD 44.99

圖書標籤: iOS  iphone  程序設計  mobile  development   

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