詹姆斯·蒙蒂尔(James Montier),著名基金经理,现为GMO资产管理公司资产配置团队成员。此前曾担任法国兴业银行的全球策略联合主席,在汤姆森-埃克斯塔尔(Thomson Extel)年度最佳策略分析师调查中名列前茅。他是英国杜伦大学的访问学者,也是英国皇家社会 科学院成员,被媒体誉为特立独行的交易者、传统理论的批判者和具有创新精神的投资家。
The Little Book of Behavioral Investing 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
#基于行为经济学的炒股秘籍# [憨笑] 假设有人把一个装有蛇的封闭玻璃箱放在你的面前,并且要求你身体靠近,死死盯着那条蛇。如果它突然跃起,你一定会不自觉地往后退(哪怕你根本不怕蛇)。 这是你的祖先在非洲大草原狩猎采集时,慢慢演化出来的一种本能,正是这种宁可“错报...
评分 评分本书名字虽带有投资二字,但更多的内容是行为心理学小故事和其背后的心理学、以及产生这种心理学的缘由。举个例子,绝大部分人会过度乐观,这里你或许会想自己是较少过度乐观的部分,恩绝大部分人都这么认为。因为在人类进化过程中,人类经历了许许多多的伤残和死亡,那些倾向...
图书标签: 投资 心理 行为金融学 行为 金融 英文原版 trading Finance
A detailed guide to overcoming the most frequently encountered psychological pitfalls of investing Bias, emotion, and overconfidence are just three of the many behavioral traits that can lead investors to lose money or achieve lower returns. Behavioral finance, which recognizes that there is a psychological element to all investor decision-making, can help you overcome this obstacle. In "The Little Book of Behavioral Investing," expert James Montier takes you through some of the most important behavioral challenges faced by investors. Montier reveals the most common psychological barriers, clearly showing how emotion, overconfidence, and a multitude of other behavioral traits, can affect investment decision-making. Offers time-tested ways to identify and avoid the pitfalls of investor bias Author James Montier is one of the world's foremost behavioral analysts Discusses how to learn from our investment mistakes instead of repeating them Explores the behavioral principles that will allow you to maintain a successful investment portfolio Written in a straightforward and accessible style, "The Little Book of Behavioral Investing" will enable you to identify and eliminate behavioral traits that can hinder your investment endeavors and show you how to go about achieving superior returns in the process.
评分以行为经济学的观点和成果,阐述对投资的心得,独特有益的视角。 也不应形而上学,刻舟求剑,机械地照猫画虎。
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The Little Book of Behavioral Investing 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书