In The Poison Paradox, toxicologist John Timbrell explores the dark side of chemistry - how the chemicals that we use and that occur all around us can often be beneficial and yet under other circumstances can become poisons. By examining a variety of cases, from tragic disasters such as Bhopal and Minamata Bay, to the plant fungus which led to the Salem witch trials, and the puffer fish which is at once deadly poisonous and prized as a delicacy, this book explores the science of poisons: the different ways in which they harm us, and how they may be counteracted. Timbrell emphasizes that poisons are part of the natural world: by understanding the science of the poisons that we might encounter by accident or design, we can assess what the real risks are, and learn to live with them safely.
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小時候看過一部電影,叫《405謀殺案》,其他都不記得瞭,隻有一個情節記憶深刻:一個被謀殺的人用沾有氰化物的牙膏刷牙,一下就死瞭。之後留下後遺癥,好一陣子都不敢刷牙,端詳半天。 注射緻死行刑是常見的行刑方式,在行刑時要用到三種化閤物,首先是巴比妥酸鹽藥注射進入靜...
評分讀這本書,需要點想象力——不用太多,一點點,就夠瞭! ------------------------------------------- 好的,就此開始吧,讓我們打開手裏的這本《毒物魅影》,請翻到第230頁。 這裏是“第九章,拉斯普丁的復仇——殺人的化學物”,這本書裏最能勾起你無限遐想的一章,所以...
評分讀這本書,需要點想象力——不用太多,一點點,就夠瞭! ------------------------------------------- 好的,就此開始吧,讓我們打開手裏的這本《毒物魅影》,請翻到第230頁。 這裏是“第九章,拉斯普丁的復仇——殺人的化學物”,這本書裏最能勾起你無限遐想的一章,所以...
評分專有名詞釋義修改: 乙醯膽堿 乙酰膽堿 偶氮染料:一群閤成化學物,含有氮群 一類閤成化學物,含有偶氮基 氰化物:一種有毒的化學群(chemical grouping,簡稱CN) 一類有毒的化學物(chemical group,簡稱CN) 三氯-二苯-雙氯乙烷 二氯-二苯-三氯乙烷 乙二醇:酒精的一種 ...
評分圖書標籤: 科普 醫學 drug
評分生物選修基本讀物(暈 拓寬詞匯量之旅
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