吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling,1865-1936)
Kim (Bantam Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
作者 | yuntianlikk 拿到吉卜林的《吉姆》,于我就好像是一个极喜欢吃巧克力的人,拿到一块巧克力,要好好享用了。 七月和八月的一部分时间,我断续享用完了这本书,看看现在书上被清元涂鸦的痕迹,可见这本书和我在一起的时间是很动荡的。奇怪,也没有很心疼,反而顺便接受了...
评分1907年,出生于印度的英国作家吉卜林获得诺贝尔文学奖,也是首位获此殊荣的英国作家,他的获奖理由是“作品以观察入微、思想新颖、气势雄浑和叙述卓越见长”。 《吉姆》被视为吉卜林的代表作,也较为贴切地体现了这句评价。虽然不少人因为这部作品主要围绕少年吉姆展开,而将其...
评分也许有些人会以为自己对吉卜林的作品一无所知,但是也许您看过迪斯尼的经典动画片"丛林故事"。自觉的灵、英国著名诗人、散文家、小说家鲁德亚德·吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling,1865-1936)出生于印度孟买,吉卜林的成就很高,他的作品简洁凝炼,充满异国情调,吉卜林的作品在20世...
评分我终于理解为什么说吉卜林是典型的种族主义作家了,在他的笔下我第一次如此深刻地感受到赤裸裸的“白人至上主义”。此书中的基姆不就是《丛林之书》的狼孩吗?如果把印度人甚至亚洲人都当成动物的话。事实上在吉卜林心中也正是这样认为的吧。 书是非常精彩的,吉姆是一个爱尔兰...
评分图书标签: J2
One of the great adventure books of all time, Kim, first published in 1901, is Kipling' s last major work about India, a farewell look brimming with all the color and sound, squalor and splendor of that exotic land. Kim, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier, is a mischievous worldly imp growing up in the walled city of Lahore. A secret mission for the British and a heartfelt bond with a Tibetan lama in search of a sacred river soon lead Kim into a life of spies and secrets, danger and high excitement. But Kim is more than a boy' s adventure. Written by the laureate of the British Empire, it is also a profound look at the differences between East and West. For the first time, a British writer understood India in all its complexity, mystery, and spirituality. Here we enter the harems; mingle with thieves, jugglers, and beggars; and experience all that is India in one of literature' s most magical and moving masterpieces.
Kim (Bantam Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书