A Mysterious Plague in the Antarctic...A Diamond Empire Run by an Evil Genius...A Devastating New Technology...NUMA agent DIRK PITT(R) is investigating the baffling deaths of thousands of Antarctic marine animals when he stumbles on something even more chilling. The passengers and crew of a cruise ship all died simultaneously and instantly, leaving stranded on a remote island whaling station a small party of tourists led by the beautiful Maeve Fletcher. And the carnage is just beginning, as Pitt's investigation leads him to Maeve's estranged father and sisters, owners of the global diamond cartel Dorsett Consolidated Mining. From a chilling escape at a high-security Canadian mine to a tiny boat adrift on lonely, shark-infested seas, the ingenious Pitt is racing to thwart Dorsett's ruthless plans -- before an unthinkable disaster claims millions of innocent lives
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Shock Wave (Dirk Pitt Adventure) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載