C++ Concurrency in Action 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
内容涉及到c++ 0x的 thread lib 以及新的内存模型,另外也有相当篇幅谈C++的并行程序(主要是多线程)如何设计。老实说,写的我觉得并不算通俗易懂,当然毕竟这一块也不是特别容易解释。 但是毕竟这是第一本介绍0x多线程设计的书籍,顺带还有关于内存模型的讲解,所以很难得。C++...
评分《C++ Concurrency in Action》这本书要是按照中国出版社的风格,估计会翻译成《C++并发编程实战》,其作者本身就是多线程编程方面的专家,所以这本书的权威性毋庸置疑。 本书的特点如下: 1、作者所说的并发,在本书中实际体现为多线程; 2、使用C++11的thread库进行讲解,具...
评分C++领域,多线程的书籍很少。毕竟多线程对于C++来说是属于语言之外的东西,linux上是pthread,windows上则由win32API或.net framework提供。0x标准(现在是11了)纳入了线程后,线程变为语言的一部分,这就是这本书要说的东西。 内容是比较丰富,除了标准外,还有一些基本的多...
评分英文原版是不可多得的好书,评分低是中文版翻译的渣。 如果愿意花时间把原版硬啃下来,并且切实在代码上实践,辅以工业级库(比如boost,std,folly)的源码学习的话,真的能学到太多太多了。 本书作者是大名鼎鼎的boost库并发的作者,呼应系列名《In Action》。全书围绕真实...
图书标签: C++ Concurrency 并行 编程 并发 C/C++ 多线程 计算机
HIGHLIGHT C++ Concurrency in Action is the first book to market to show how to take advantage of the new C++ Standard and how to write robust multi-threaded applications in C++. DESCRIPTION With the new C++ Standard and Technical Report 2 (TR2), multi-threading is coming to C++ in a big way. TR2 will provide higher-level synchronization facilities that allow for a much greater level of abstraction, and make programming multi-threaded applications simpler and safer. As a guide and reference to the new concurrency features in the upcoming C++ Standard and TR2, this book is invaluable for existing programmers familiar with writing multi-threaded code in C++ using platform-specific APIs, or in other languages, as well as C++ programmers who have never written multithreaded code before. KEY POINTS * When and when not to use concurrency * Concurrency and multi-threading in C++ * Concurrency support in the New Standard * How to improve performance with concurrency * How to manage concurrency * Problems and solutions in sharing data * Synchronization and why we need it * Memory model details
C++ Concurrency in Action 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书