[加]羅賓•夏瑪Robin Sharma
★ 世界頂級心靈顧問,無論楊紫瓊、伊能靜、邦•喬維、巴薩球星普約爾等明星藝人,還是諾貝爾奬得主圖圖大主教、約旦公主哈雅、以色列總統佩雷斯、毛裏求斯總統賈格納特等領袖政要,都是夏瑪的忠實粉絲。
★ 百萬級暢銷書作傢,曾齣版十多本全球暢銷著作,其中五本攻占暢銷排行榜第一名。其中《賣掉法拉利的高僧》以42種語言發行,熱銷60個國傢和地區,盤踞各大暢銷書排行榜15年。
★ 全美五大領導力培訓大師之一,與吉姆•柯林斯、傑剋•韋爾奇、史蒂芬•柯維等大師齊名。其客戶包括通用電氣、耐剋、聯邦快遞、微軟、IBM、哈佛商學院、耶魯大學等國際一流企業和高等學府。
Leadership Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Wisdom is sleeping deeply within us, every one of us who live on the earth. We need to uncovery and liberate the strength with creativity and potential. How wonderful the life of individual is. It's a piece of music, a period of history and a part of the le...
評分Wisdom is sleeping deeply within us, every one of us who live on the earth. We need to uncovery and liberate the strength with creativity and potential. How wonderful the life of individual is. It's a piece of music, a period of history and a part of the le...
評分Wisdom is sleeping deeply within us, every one of us who live on the earth. We need to uncovery and liberate the strength with creativity and potential. How wonderful the life of individual is. It's a piece of music, a period of history and a part of the le...
評分Wisdom is sleeping deeply within us, every one of us who live on the earth. We need to uncovery and liberate the strength with creativity and potential. How wonderful the life of individual is. It's a piece of music, a period of history and a part of the le...
評分好讀100#今年第 14 本,纍計 547 本,《賣掉法拉利的高僧:喚醒心中的領導者①》。 >這一切都始於內心,來自於領導藝術的自我修養和對自己深刻的認識,這會使你認識到,生命的本質在於領導。 開篇以這句話徹底打動瞭我,所謂生命的本質在於領導,依我看來最關鍵的地方在於領導...
圖書標籤: Sharma Robin
Wisdom is sleeping deeply within us, every one of us who live on the earth. We need to uncovery and liberate the strength with creativity and potential. How wonderful the life of individual is. It's a piece of music, a period of history and a part of the legacy.
評分Wisdom is sleeping deeply within us, every one of us who live on the earth. We need to uncovery and liberate the strength with creativity and potential. How wonderful the life of individual is. It's a piece of music, a period of history and a part of the legacy.
評分Books like theses talk about common sense that aren't common...
評分Books like theses talk about common sense that aren't common...
評分Books like theses talk about common sense that aren't common...
Leadership Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載