毅峰X龔爰 - 3D立體書「白日夢」 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 3d绘本 绘本 立体书 毅峰
官方網站: http://www.kadokawa.com.tw/daydream/
不同於坊間需配戴特殊眼鏡,或讓眼睛變成鬥雞眼而疲累不堪,才能觀看立體影像的3D書。本書採用國外特殊的雙鏡面折射原理技術,讓一般大眾能在最短的時間內,透過鏡面使肉眼輕鬆欣賞到立體效果。繪本中的每一張插畫都是完全立體的「實際存在」。彷彿一伸手就可觸及畫中人物,彷彿一跨足就可進入畫中世界──── 眼見為憑!文字絕對無法形容本書的神奇之處,但願你能親身體驗這一場身歷其境的精采冒險!
This is an amazing product of creativity, produced by Taiwan’s genius graphic artist – Evan, and well-known 3D specialist – Rick. It was the first time they worked together, and spent for over 18 months to develop this 3D graphic technique. This album is making the history in Taiwan by presenting a whole new 3D visual graphic storybook. The story is about a character that was created by Evan escaped to the real world, stole the magic tool - the pen - and hided into a book of 3D world then the female character from the 3D world decided to take on the role to rescue the magic pen, chasing it through this magic, fantasy world.
There is no words or lines in the book, but is able to draw the viewer into the story with its magical 3D effects. Unlike other books in the market that require viewers to either wear a special glasses, or have to look in a hard way that tires the eyes easily this book adapted a special two mirror reflection technique, most people will be able to see the 3D effect easily with naked eyes. Every single piece in this book looks like “real” it’s like you are living in it and you can actually touch everything.
Seeing is believing! Words cannot truly describe the magic of this book. I hope you can experience this unique adventure with us. I will see you in the book!
毅峰X龔爰 - 3D立體書「白日夢」 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书