Human Action, The Scholar's Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分【按语:匆匆掠过米塞斯的《人的行为》,心里有两个偏狭而不高尚的念头:1、书的世界中常常充满骗局:平庸和陷阱被鲜花和赞美所掩盖,甚至很多其实是大杂烩的东西往往被人誉为“巨著(Magnum opus)”,让那些稚弱的年轻人惊讶甚至迷失;这里就有米塞斯的《人类行为》,另外也...
评分近日,世纪文景推出了米塞斯晚年最重要作品《人的行动——关于经济学的论文》。此书是米塞斯晚年的集大成之作,由中国社会科院研究生院教授余晖先生,历时六年译出,可谓名作精译。 路德维希·冯·米塞斯是奥地利经济学派第三代领军人物、代表人物,被誉为“奥地利学派的院长...
评分我们只是无知的人类罢了。我们既不是全知全能的神,我们也不是完全按照经济动机来计算的理性人,我们就是愚蠢无知弱小爱犯错的人类罢了。既不用为了自己的这些弱点而自卑,也不用为了成为那种神而拼命,我们可以用人类的方式来追求自己的梦想。 人,就是一种有目的,有欲望的生...
评分图书标签: 政治 哲学 (English) 行为经济学 经济学 经济 Mises
Human Action is the most important book on political economy you will ever own. It was (and remains) the most comprehensive, systematic, forthright, and powerful defense of the economics of liberty ever written. This is the Scholars Edition: accept no substitute. You will treasure this volume.
The Scholars Edition is the original, unaltered treatise (originally published in 1949) that shaped a generation of Austrians and made possible the intellectual movement that is leading the global charge for free markets.
Made available exclusively through the Ludwig von Mises Institute, this edition, Mises's original, is the one to own.
•This edition is a case-bound hardback with a beautiful cover that is also meant for extreme use and durability;
•No hardbound edition compares in price;
•The pagination of the original 1949 edition is preserved, but it also includes invaluable additions.
•Includes the 1954 index prepared under Mises's supervision, the most complete ever published, united here with the book for the first time.
•The introduction, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Jeffrey Herbener, and Joseph Salerno--based on newly discovered archives--tells of the tragic and glorious history of this seminal work, and of its bright future as the manifesto of liberty.
•This edition is keyed to the world's first and only Study Guide to Human Action, by Robert Murphy, which opens up this book as never before.
All told, The Scholars Edition looks exactly like the classic work it is, ready for a lifetime (or two) of use.
Mises himself wrote the following by way of explanation of why he wrote the book:
Economics does not allow any breaking up into special branches. It invariably deals with the interconnectedness of all phenomena of acting and economizing. All economic facts mutually condition one another. Each of the various economic problems must be dealt with in the frame of a comprehensive system assigning its due place and weight to every aspect of human wants and desires. All monographs remain fragmentary if not integrated into a systematic treatment of the whole body of social and economic relations.
To provide such a comprehensive analysis is the task of my book Human Action , a Treatise on Economics. It is the consummation of lifelong studies and investigations, the precipitate of half a century of experience. I saw the forces operating which could not but annihilate the high civilization and prosperity of Europe. In writing my book, I was hoping to contribute to the endeavors of our most eminent contemporaries to prevent this country from following the path which leads to the abyss.
The Scholars Edition of Human Action is the definitive edition of this great work and foundation of every library of freedom.
Human Action, The Scholar's Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书