Alain Peyrefitte (Najac, Aveyron, 26 August 1925 – Paris, 27 November 1999) was a French scholar and politician. He was a confidant of Charles De Gaulle and had a long career in public service, serving as a diplomat in Germany and Poland. He was Minister of Information from 1962 to 1966, establishing the rules of presidential debates between the two electoral rounds. He served as Minister of Justice from 1977 to 1981, and was involved in the affair surrounding the mysterious death of Robert Boulin in 1979. He became a member of the Académie française in 1977.
The Collision of Two Civilizations 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在想该给这篇书评起一个怎样的题目,突然就想起了Hayek的那本书。 这是本老书,二十年前便引进了。观当年的学者言语,说道曾读过此书,自己便一直存了个念头就是找来看看。今年三联再版《停滞的帝国》,于是不费力地买来存读,这几天集中精力终于读完。 ...
评分在文明的梯子上 说起几千年悠久的历史文化传统,我们总不免心神荡漾,喜形于色。但反顾现实,我们多又能清醒地意识到,我们尚未孵化出一个现代化的社会,我们尚处于“发展中”的落后、追赶地位。俗话说:“晨起的鸟儿有虫吃”。但岁月浩瀚、底蕴深厚如此,却不见有...
评分在想该给这篇书评起一个怎样的题目,突然就想起了Hayek的那本书。 这是本老书,二十年前便引进了。观当年的学者言语,说道曾读过此书,自己便一直存了个念头就是找来看看。今年三联再版《停滞的帝国》,于是不费力地买来存读,这几天集中精力终于读完。 ...
评分本书重要之处在于: 1,重述了马戛尔尼使团访华之行始末,打破了西方人的幻想,之前因为耶稣会修士们的信件和《马可波罗游记》中描述,中华帝国被描述成世外桃源般的国度(Xanadu),里面的统治者和子民仿佛都是智者贤人。实际上如何呢,观者自知——举个例子说就是那些替马戛...
评分之前对这本书抱有极大的期待,翻开之后,材料翔实,译文流畅,可读性非常强,虽然篇幅极大,但读起来却并不费力。 然而,细读之下,却总觉得味道不对,思绪难平。 首先是作者反复进行历史等同,让人相当不适应。从逻辑上讲,只有当历史可以不断重复,那么历史才能...
图书标签: 史学 中国
This is the story of a failed attempt by the British, in 1793, to open the Chinese Empire to Western trade. Led by Lord Macartney, whose distinguished diplomatic posts included India and the Caribbean, the enormous British expedition of nearly 700 men included doctors, scholars, painters, musicians, soldiers and young aristocrats, and lasted more than two years, and its success would have redefined the history of the 19th and 20th centuries. The author has made use of a variety of sources, including, on the British side, the diary of the 12-year-old Thomas Stanton, son of Macartney's deputy, who was the only person in the whole English fleet who spoke Chinese, and, on the Chinese side, the newly discovered secret reports of the Emperor's officials, all annotated by the Emperor himself.
The Collision of Two Civilizations 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书