"The Lottery," one of the most terrifying stories written in this century, created a sensation when it was first published in "The" "New Yorker." "Power and haunting," and "nights of unrest" were typical reader responses. This collection, the only one to appear during Shirley Jackson's lifetime, unites "The Lottery: " with twenty-four equally unusual stories. Together they demonstrate Jack son's remarkable range--from the hilarious to the truly horrible--and power as a storyteller.
The Lottery (Tale Blazers) 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
圖書標籤: 社會 驚悚 小說 外國文學
評分Although this story is already 60 years old, it still is a fascinating read. Try reading it aloud.
評分Although this story is already 60 years old, it still is a fascinating read. Try reading it aloud.
The Lottery (Tale Blazers) 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載