羅伯特·海因萊因(1907~1988),世界科幻“三巨頭”之一,美國最具影響力的科幻作傢。他以高超的敘述技巧、精巧的科幻構思、極具時代感的激進思想,以及對美國曆史和文化獨特的科幻化闡釋,贏得瞭無數讀者的喜愛,被譽為“美國現代科幻小說之父”。截至目前,他的作品已被譯成數十種語言,在全世界範圍內廣為流行,受到中國、日本以及俄羅斯讀者的熱烈歡迎。 海因萊因一生著作頗豐,獲奬無數,是第一位被世界科幻協會授予“科幻大師”稱號的科幻作傢。其代錶作主要包括:《雙星》《進入盛夏之門》《星船傘兵》《異鄉異客》《嚴厲的月亮》等。
The rollicking adventures of the Stone family on a tour of the Solar System. It all started when the twins, Castor and Pollux Stone, decided that life on the Lunar colony was too dull and decided to buy their own spaceship and go into business for themselves. Their father thought that was a fine idea, except that he and Grandma Hazel bought the spaceship and the whole Stone family were on their way out into the far reaches of the Solar System, with stops on Mars (where the twins got a lesson in the interplanetary economics of bicycles and the adorable little critters called flat cats who, it turned out, bred like rabbits; or, perhaps, Tribbles...), out to the asteroids, where Mrs. Stone, an M.D., was needed to treat a dangerous outbreak of disease, and even further out, to Titan and beyond. Unforgettable Heinlein characters on an unforgettable adventure.
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如果不是偶爾齣現的冷笑話,很難堅持讀下去... 如果不解釋為冒險精神是美國人中年危機的萬能良藥,我看不齣這小說有什麼可以在時間流逝中還值得沉澱下來的東西。 即使是冒險,這裏麵涉及的也太安全瞭。。。
評分 評分這本小說沒有什麼龐大的背景設定,也沒有特彆驚險的情節,不過讀著這本書我的腦海中就浮現齣輻射裏“嗶嗶小子”的樣子。 這是一本黃金時代科幻小說的典範,那個時代對科學的展望是玫瑰色、充滿希望、無比光明的! 這本書的故事是那麼的有朝氣,我特彆喜歡奶奶黑茲爾這個角色~俏...
圖書標籤: sci-fi
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