Marina Fiorato is half-Venetian. She was born in Manchester and raised in the Yorkshire Dales. She is a history graduate of Oxford University and the University of Venice, where she specialized in the study of Shakespeare’s plays as an historical source. After University she studied art and since worked as an illustrator, actress and film reviewer. She also designed tour visuals for rock bands including U2 and the Rolling Stones. She was married on the Grand Canal and lives in North London with her husband, son and daughter.
Madonna of the Almonds Signed Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
从大堆的书中翻了又翻,还是决定看这一本《杏仁树下的圣母玛利亚》。这或许也与书本的封面有关,看着洁净的白色封面上印着的圣母油画,安详而美丽,心里也莫名的平静了。 实际上,故事的情节相当的简单,几乎是任何时代,任何人物都可套用的模式。富裕而美丽的西蒙内塔,与她英...
评分 评分看这本书的时候有点囫囵吞枣——我无法在一部通俗小说面前以一种看圣经的心情去看。正在吃街边牛杂档时,就得脏兮兮、大口吃才能酣畅淋漓,可别叫我正襟危坐细嚼慢咽。在一开始调侃达芬奇和蒙娜丽莎的微笑的时候,这种戏谑的态度就定了下来,后面就再也改不了了。一个帖子再严...
Young widow Simonetta tries to rebuild her family in 16th century Saronno, tuscany, following the death of her husband in one of the battles ravaging the land. In pursuit of a means to keep her estate together, she stumbles upon a new drink made by inffusing almonds with alcohol. At the same time, she encounters Bernadino, the protege of Leonardo da Vinci. What follows is a glorious story of passion, betrayal, warfare and bravery.
Madonna of the Almonds Signed Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书