In the futuristic world of James Cameron's Avatar , a young man named Jake becomes part of an exploration team on the planet Pandora, inhabited by the exotic Na'vi. Scientists have created an avatar—a body that looks like a Na'vi but is operated by a human's consciousness. When in his avatar body, Jake finds himself drawn to the planet's way of life. But before the Na'vi will accept him as one of their own, he has to pass a series of fantastic and dangerous tests. Can Jake survive long enough to become a full-fledged Na'vi? And will he ever want to live as a human again?
Reading level: Ages 9-12
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亞馬遜英文網站的資料顯示! Product Details Reading level: Ages 9-12 (適閤年齡9-12歲) Paperback: 64 pages (隻有64頁) Publisher: HarperFestival (November 24, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0061801267 ISBN-13: 978-0061801266 Product Dimensions: 7....
評分亞馬遜英文網站的資料顯示! Product Details Reading level: Ages 9-12 (適閤年齡9-12歲) Paperback: 64 pages (隻有64頁) Publisher: HarperFestival (November 24, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0061801267 ISBN-13: 978-0061801266 Product Dimensions: 7....
評分亞馬遜英文網站的資料顯示! Product Details Reading level: Ages 9-12 (適閤年齡9-12歲) Paperback: 64 pages (隻有64頁) Publisher: HarperFestival (November 24, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0061801267 ISBN-13: 978-0061801266 Product Dimensions: 7....
評分亞馬遜英文網站的資料顯示! Product Details Reading level: Ages 9-12 (適閤年齡9-12歲) Paperback: 64 pages (隻有64頁) Publisher: HarperFestival (November 24, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0061801267 ISBN-13: 978-0061801266 Product Dimensions: 7....
評分亞馬遜英文網站的資料顯示! Product Details Reading level: Ages 9-12 (適閤年齡9-12歲) Paperback: 64 pages (隻有64頁) Publisher: HarperFestival (November 24, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0061801267 ISBN-13: 978-0061801266 Product Dimensions: 7....
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