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15 Typical Myths about Bilinguals and Bilingualism Extracted from 'Bilingual: Life and Reality' by François Grosjean 關於雙語現象的15種典型誤解(節選自弗朗索瓦•格羅斯讓《雙語人生》) Myth 1: Bilingualism is a rare phenomenon. (p.13) 誤解一:雙語並用...


15 Typical Myths about Bilinguals and Bilingualism Extracted from 'Bilingual: Life and Reality' by François Grosjean 關於雙語現象的15種典型誤解(節選自弗朗索瓦•格羅斯讓《雙語人生》) Myth 1: Bilingualism is a rare phenomenon. (p.13) 誤解一:雙語並用...


15 Typical Myths about Bilinguals and Bilingualism Extracted from 'Bilingual: Life and Reality' by François Grosjean 關於雙語現象的15種典型誤解(節選自弗朗索瓦•格羅斯讓《雙語人生》) Myth 1: Bilingualism is a rare phenomenon. (p.13) 誤解一:雙語並用...


15 Typical Myths about Bilinguals and Bilingualism Extracted from 'Bilingual: Life and Reality' by François Grosjean 關於雙語現象的15種典型誤解(節選自弗朗索瓦•格羅斯讓《雙語人生》) Myth 1: Bilingualism is a rare phenomenon. (p.13) 誤解一:雙語並用...


15 Typical Myths about Bilinguals and Bilingualism Extracted from 'Bilingual: Life and Reality' by François Grosjean 關於雙語現象的15種典型誤解(節選自弗朗索瓦•格羅斯讓《雙語人生》) Myth 1: Bilingualism is a rare phenomenon. (p.13) 誤解一:雙語並用...

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出版者:Harvard University Press
作者:François Grosjean
价格:USD 25.95

图书标签: 语言学  心理学  二语习得  双语  语言  bilingual  linguistic  SLA   

Bilingual 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述

Whether in family life, social interactions, or business negotiations, half the people in the world speak more than one language every day. Yet many myths persist about bilingualism and bilinguals. Does being bilingual mean you are equally fluent in two languages, or that you belong to two cultures, or even that you have multiple personalities? Can you become bilingual only as a child? Why do bilinguals switch from one language to another in mid-sentence? Will raising bilingual children confuse and delay their learning of any language? In a lively and often entertaining book, an international authority on bilingualism, son of an English mother and a French father, explores the many facets of bilingualism. In this book, Francois Grosjean draws on research, interviews, autobiographies, and the engaging examples of bilingual authors. He describes the various strategies - some useful, some not - used by parents raising bilingual children, explains how children easily pick up and forget languages, and considers how bilingualism affects the experience and expression of emotions, thoughts, and dreams. This book shows that speaking two or more languages is not a sign of intelligence, evasiveness, cultural alienation, or political disloyalty. For millions of people, it's simply a way of navigating the complexities of life.

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via 某水, Daxia。 某水推荐这本书给我的的时候,我以为这是本学术著作就一直拖着没看。今天读了读,觉得是本给bilingual(作者定义为在每日生活中用两种及以上语言)的人的好书。提供了不少理论慰藉,让人安心:“我不是一个人。”


easy to read


via 某水, Daxia。 某水推荐这本书给我的的时候,我以为这是本学术著作就一直拖着没看。今天读了读,觉得是本给bilingual(作者定义为在每日生活中用两种及以上语言)的人的好书。提供了不少理论慰藉,让人安心:“我不是一个人。”


Grosjean is not only an international authority on bilingualism but also a true scholar who cares about millions of people in the world living with two or more languages, their languages and cultures ought to be respected and valued. Great book for all levels of readers. :]


Grosjean is not only an international authority on bilingualism but also a true scholar who cares about millions of people in the world living with two or more languages, their languages and cultures ought to be respected and valued. Great book for all levels of readers. :]

Bilingual 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书





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