戴·赫·劳伦斯,(David Herbert Lawrence,1885~1930)英国诗人、小说家、散文家。出生于矿工家庭,当过屠户会计、厂商雇员和小学教师,曾在国内外漂泊十多年,对现实抱批判否定态度。他写过诗,但主要写长篇小说,共有10部,最著名的为《虹》(1915)、《爱恋中的女人》(1921)和《查太莱夫人的情人》(1928)。
Sons and Lovers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
爱即生活 第一,这是一本难得一见的纯粹关于爱的小说,并且专指男女之爱(如果母爱也算是一种的话)。第二,小说主要讲的是爱的付出,是无条件且不计回报的爱,而不是交互的爱。第三,看似作为故事中心的保罗并不是主人公,而是母亲、米莉安和克莱拉,因为她们才是爱的主动方。...
评分忘了自己什么时候借的书,似乎看得时间略微久了些,至于为什么看这么久?嗯······大概是觉得这书看得让人心情不好。 书中的几个主要人物的性格都让人觉得不舒服。一切由莫瑞尔太太不幸的婚姻而展开,因为仓促地决定了结婚的对象,没有过多的相处,没有对双方性格的仔细...
评分劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》中,保罗是个身体羸弱、心思细腻的孩子,对母亲有着强烈的依恋和爱。父母的关系是母亲对父亲的冷漠和厌恶,家庭关系是全部子女都跟随母亲一起厌恶父亲。 于是我们见到了惊悚的一幕:在保罗不小心踩坏了安妮的洋娃娃之后,他提出了火葬洋娃娃的建议,...
图书标签: 小说 DHLawrence 名著 英文原版 英国文学 文学
better comment after reading several more of its kind.in comparison, maybe Flaubert can be the predeceased writer and Woolf as the later. the novel is rendered in scruntious descriptions of man and woman's emotion, yet it is no surprise such an act for contemporary readers as in this regard the writing world really had gone through a great deal..
评分better comment after reading several more of its kind.in comparison, maybe Flaubert can be the predeceased writer and Woolf as the later. the novel is rendered in scruntious descriptions of man and woman's emotion, yet it is no surprise such an act for contemporary readers as in this regard the writing world really had gone through a great deal..
评分better comment after reading several more of its kind.in comparison, maybe Flaubert can be the predeceased writer and Woolf as the later. the novel is rendered in scruntious descriptions of man and woman's emotion, yet it is no surprise such an act for contemporary readers as in this regard the writing world really had gone through a great deal..
评分better comment after reading several more of its kind.in comparison, maybe Flaubert can be the predeceased writer and Woolf as the later. the novel is rendered in scruntious descriptions of man and woman's emotion, yet it is no surprise such an act for contemporary readers as in this regard the writing world really had gone through a great deal..
评分better comment after reading several more of its kind.in comparison, maybe Flaubert can be the predeceased writer and Woolf as the later. the novel is rendered in scruntious descriptions of man and woman's emotion, yet it is no surprise such an act for contemporary readers as in this regard the writing world really had gone through a great deal..
Sons and Lovers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书