罗伯特·博森(Robert Pozen) ,现任MFS(马萨诸塞金融服务公司)董事长,该公司管理着超过1800亿美元的投资基金和养老金计划。博森现在还是哈佛大学商学院的高级讲师,2002—2003年,任哈佛大学法学院约翰欧林客座教授,教授公司治理和金融机构的跨学科课程。 2001年年末至2002年,博森作为民主党代表就任布什总统“加强社会保障委员会”委员,2003年博森作为马萨诸塞州经济部部长,协助州长密特·朗穆尼解决了该州巨额的预算赤字问题。
博森曾就职于富达投资公司(FidelityInvestment)多年,任富达投资公司副董事长、富达管理研究公司总裁、富达投资基金的投资顾问。 博森以优异的成绩毕业于哈佛大学并获得学士学位,1973年获得耶鲁大学法学博士学位。博森最近被选为美国科学艺术学院院士。
Too Big to Save? How to Fix the U.S. Financial System 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
因为内容过于详实,所以仔细读很累,也没有必要。只有在做专题研究时才值得把整本书读完。对次贷危机起源后的chain of reaction以及政府应对的逻辑说的很清楚,但是对次贷危机为什么在那个点爆发并没有解释。房价的下跌引起了后面的一切后果,但是为什么是在那个点下跌,泡沫被...
评分金融危机的破坏性和蔓延性,在此次危机中更为明显,对危机的研究和整理也随之而来,但要想真正认识和了解金融危机,就需要从它的产生和应对措施入手,我认为此书是不错的选择。 前100页,主要讨论了房地产金融市场——包括房地产的泡沫是如何产生的以及房利美和房地美抵押贷款...
评分它是如何产生的,是如何蔓延的,美国政府又是如何应对的,这些在书中都有详细论述,更有作者独到见解,对于想更深入了解金融危机又奈何无从下手的人来说,这书是个不错的选择。 以前一直听人鼓吹美国的信用制度是如何完善,现在看来也不过如此。其实监管失利是每个政府的通病...
图书标签: 金融 drexel booklist RobertPozen
Industry luminary Robert Pozen offers his insights on the future of U.S. finance The recent credit crisis and the resulting bailout program are unprecedented events in the financial industry. While it's important to understand what got us here, it's even more important to consider how we should get out. While there is little question that immediate action was required to stabilize the situation, it is now time to look for a long-term plan to reform the United States financial industry. That is where Bob Pozen comes in. Perhaps more than anyone in the industry, Pozen commands the respect and attention of the public and private sector. In this timely guide, he outlines his vision for the new financial future and provides actionable advice along the way. To Pozen, there are four high-priority problems that must be addressed, and this book puts them in perspective Analyzes alternative models for government stakes in banks Recommends a new board structure for large financial institutions Examines the importance of broader Fed jurisdiction over systemic risks Proposes a way to revive the securitization of loans With "Too Big to Save," you'll learn the likely future of the finance industry and understand why changes have to be made.
Too Big to Save? How to Fix the U.S. Financial System 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书