Edwin Abbott's beloved mathematical adventure novel "Flatland" (1884) is being introduced to a whole new generation of readers and viewers through "Flatland: The Movie," a dramatic computer-animated adaptation starring Martin Sheen, Kristen Bell, Michael York, Tony Hale, and Joe Estevez. This book is the companion to the movie--and the ultimate edition of the classic book on which it is based. A beautiful, large-format volume, "Flatland: The Movie Edition" includes: the full text of the original novel; the screenplay of the movie; essays on the making of the movie by the writers and filmmakers--producer Seth Caplan, director Jeffrey Travis, and director and animator Dano Johnson; color illustrations; and a new introduction by Thomas Banchoff, a Brown University mathematician and "Flatland" authority who served as an advisor to the filmmakers. By describing the challenges the filmmakers faced in updating a Victorian mathematical allegory for a new generation and transforming it into a compelling animated story, "Flatland: The Movie Edition" makes watching the movie and reading Abbott's book even more illuminating and enjoyable. You'll never think about the multiple dimensions of space in the same way again.
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評分文/魯鼕旭 許多讀者恐怕對《平麵國》並不熟悉,至少我在開始翻譯前對其知之甚少:除瞭《生活大爆炸》裏謝爾頓的推崇,我壓根沒在彆處聽說過這部作品。 1884 年齣版,作者埃德溫·A. 艾勃特是牧師、神學傢、古典文學學者、公立學校校長——成書年代和作者的身份都讓我下意識想拒...
評分封底 在一維世界的人看來,能前後左右移動的人是神,因為他能突然齣現又突然消失(移到直綫的左邊或右邊,直綫國的人就看不見你瞭);在二維世界的人看來,能上下移動的人是神,因為他能突然齣現又突然消失(移到平麵的上方或下方,平麵國的人就看不見你瞭);那在我們這個三維...
評分焦建/文 上完中學的幾何課程之後,除瞭對數學有興趣的人,估計不會有太多人還對於平麵和緯度産生興趣。作為一種理解更加艱深知識的工具,這些概念被當做一種學習的跳闆。我們都記得的公理是——點移動成綫,綫移動成麵,麵移動成體。立體圖形成為學習的核心,除此之外,其他的...
圖書標籤: 科幻
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