Charles Platt 在15岁时就设计出他的第一个电子项目:一台电话应答机。现在科幻小说作家(著有The Silicon Man)及Wired杂志高级撰稿人,还讲授计算机图形学等方面的课程,不过他人生的挚爱还是“身边的电子学”。目前是Make杂志特约编辑。
Make: Electronics 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 科普 电子学 电子 设计 Electronics 制作 交互设计 英语
If you want to learn how to build things with electronics, get a hold of this hands-on book. With this practical introductory guide, you'll learn important concepts while you work on real projects. And you'll pick up basic electronics tips and techniques from an expert who makes it easy, entertaining, and fun. You get complete step-by-step instructions for each project, easy-to-follow circuit diagrams, helpful full-color photographs, and engaging explanations of the principles behind what you're building. "Make: Electronics" is for beginners as well as people with intermediate skills who want to learn more - an ideal gift for any student or hobbyist.
评分除了errata一堆之外,实在是electronics入门最佳书籍,而且一定要动手做一遍(某些可操作性不强的部分可以稍微加以修改);最后一章的可操作性稍弱;看完这本再去看Practical Electronics For Inventors,之后再看The Art of Electronics,应该是非常恰当的安排。
评分除了errata一堆之外,实在是electronics入门最佳书籍,而且一定要动手做一遍(某些可操作性不强的部分可以稍微加以修改);最后一章的可操作性稍弱;看完这本再去看Practical Electronics For Inventors,之后再看The Art of Electronics,应该是非常恰当的安排。
Make: Electronics 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书