"Brilliant !" -- "Chicago Tribune." "Bawdy blistering... this is "Catch-22" with stethoscopes." -- "Cosmopolitan."
Now a classic! The hilarious novel of the healing arts that reveals everything your doctor never wanted you to know. Six eager interns -- they saw themselves as modern saviors-to-be. they came from the top of their medical school class to the bottom of the hospital staff to serve a year in the time-honored tradition, racing to answer the flash of on-duty call lights and nubile nurses. But only the Fat Man --the Clam, all-knowing resident -- could sustain them in their struggle to survive, to stay sane, to love-and even to be doctors when their harrowing year was done.
"Does for the practice of medicine what "Catch-22" and "M*A *S *H" did for the practice of warfare." -- "The Newark Star-Ledger"
"Wildly funny... frightening... outrageous, moving... a story of modern medicine rarely, if, ever told." -- "The Houston Chronicle"
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