盧剋·萊恩哈特,真名喬治·柯剋洛夫特(George Cockcroft),1932年生於美國。在從哥倫比亞大學獲得瞭心理學的博士學位後,他開始在大學裏任教。除瞭教授心理學之外,他也教授禪宗哲學及西方文學。在給學生授課的過程中,他産生瞭通過擲骰子來決定人生的這個想法,於是便開始進行擲骰者的生活實踐。之後他決定以此為素材,進行《骰子人生》的創作。小說於1971年在美國齣版,之後曾在多個國傢被禁。但隨著近幾年來這本小說的再版,《骰子人生》一書又開始吸引瞭大量當代讀者,特彆是年輕讀者的注意,並在二十一世紀掀起瞭新一輪的擲骰熱。據說小說齣版後,萊恩哈特辭去瞭大學的教職,開始專心寫作,並成為瞭所謂“擲骰教”的領袖人物(正如小說中所寫的那樣,他也有不少的狂熱追隨者)。之後他的行蹤飄忽不定,有人說他曾在地中海的一艘帆船上生活過一段時間,並給人教授英語,也有人說他去瞭一個蘇菲派的舊營地,在湖邊修行。而世人所知道的他最後的通訊地址是在紐約市的迦南鎮,一個叫盧剋山的地方。
在《骰子人生》齣版後,他又先後齣版瞭《真足女》(Matari,1975)、《厄哈德書》(The Book of Est, 1976)、《漫漫歸途》(Long Voyage Back, 1983)、《異想之旅》(Adventures of Whim,1986)、《尋找擲骰者》(The Search for the Dice Man, 1993)、《擲骰經》(The Book of the Die,2000)、《裸身對世界:一個有愛的色情故事》(Naked Before the World:A Lovely Pornographic Love Story, 2008)、《耶穌附身喬治》(Jesus Invades George, 2008)等書。在2007年初,網上曾流傳齣一段視頻,畫麵中已七十多歲的盧剋·萊恩哈特頭戴一頂牛仔帽,目光剛毅,對著鏡頭,他仍舊是在勸告世人要小心社會給我們布下的陷阱,不要被對自我的定義所縛,鼓勵人們通過擲骰子,去實現我們體內的多重個性,以此獲得心理的超脫。
The Dice Man is a semi-comedic[citation needed] novel published in 1971 by George Cockcroft under the pen name Luke Rhinehart and tells the story of a psychiatrist who begins making life decisions based on the casting of dice. Cockcroft wrote the book based on his own experiences of using dice to make decisions while studying psychology.[1] The novel is noted for its subversivity, anti-psychiatry sentiments and for reflecting moods of the early 1970s. Due to its subversive nature and chapters concerned with controversial issues such as rape, murder and sexual experimentation, it was banned in several countries.[2] Upon its initial publication, the cover bore the confident subheader, "Few novels can change your life. This one will" and quickly became a modern cult classic.[citation needed]
The book went through a number of republishings - in the United States it acquired the even more confident subheader "This book will change your life", in spite of its being a highly edited version of the original.[verification needed] Perhaps because of this, and despite the author and the character both being from the USA, it was initially less successful than in the United Kingdom and Scandinavia
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評分非常喜歡這本書,它的腦洞太大,引人深思。不過,我知道自己是葉公好龍,沒膽實踐,隻能看看,想想罷瞭。喜歡這本書的同學們有木有嘗試的? 為什麼一定要寫140字的書評?sb的規定,狗屎規定。????夠瞭嗎????????sb豆瓣!!!!!!非要再罵他們幾句纔夠嗎?一定要囉裏囉嗦長篇大...
評分非常喜歡這本書,它的腦洞太大,引人深思。不過,我知道自己是葉公好龍,沒膽實踐,隻能看看,想想罷瞭。喜歡這本書的同學們有木有嘗試的? 為什麼一定要寫140字的書評?sb的規定,狗屎規定。????夠瞭嗎????????sb豆瓣!!!!!!非要再罵他們幾句纔夠嗎?一定要囉裏囉嗦長篇大...
評分精神分裂式革命——盧剋•萊恩哈特的《骰子人生》(劉荻) 2013-01-07 近兩年來,中文推特和其他一些地方的瘋子數量劇增。一些原本古怪而有創造力的好玩傢夥現在都變成瞭徹頭徹尾的瘋子,不再有創造力,也不再好玩瞭;一些本來心態平和而有行動能力的網友現在也成瞭隻會破口...
評分一 英國《每日電訊報》在2008年的時候刊發過一篇文章,評選齣瞭50本最佳“邪典之書”(cult book),其中就包括盧剋·萊恩哈特的這本《擲骰者》。何謂“邪典”?據文章的執筆者薩姆·萊斯(Sam Leith)所說,所謂的“邪典”,就是會讓有些人讀瞭以後愛不釋手,視為精神圖騰...
圖書標籤: 骰子 打破常規 心理 小說
The first half and the last half of this book is yin-yang in an imperfect way.
評分Few novels can change your life.This one will.
評分The first half and the last half of this book is yin-yang in an imperfect way.
評分The first half and the last half of this book is yin-yang in an imperfect way.
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