斯蒂芬·金 Stephen King,一九四七年出生于美国缅因州波特兰市,后在缅因州州立大学学习英国文学,毕业后因工资菲薄而走上写作之路。自一九七三年出版第一部长篇小说《魔女嘉莉》后,迄今已著有四十多部长篇小说和二百多部短篇小说。其作品是近年来美国畅销书排行榜上的常客,还被翻译成三十多种语言。有超过百部影视作品取材自他的小说。他因此被誉为“现代惊悚小说大师”。
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《杜马岛》:国王King的救赎 《杜马岛》阅读到一半的时候,曾经迫不及待地给小说译者于是小姐发去消息,称赞其出色的中文功底赋予了《杜马岛》非一般的流畅阅读感。而在两天后读完整本书的时候,不免自责,把这以往斯蒂芬·金作品中少见,或者说总要在长篇大段的艰苦阅读后才...
评分很少写书评,基本上喜欢写读书笔记。但为了老金,这次正正经经地写了一篇,建立在之前的读书笔记上(莫须有的罪恶总是似曾相识),两厢对照下,更有趣味。看似矛盾,但都是真心话。 老金的两块伤疤 文/锡弥 不论谁撩起衬衫,身上都有一两块伤疤。斯蒂芬•金(老金)的两块...
评分想一个晚上熬夜看完 无奈太长了 熬到天亮也没办法看到结尾 所以就只能每次看一点 这样大大减少了故事的连贯性 因为不知道下次什么时候拿起来看 又不怎么记的上一次看到的情节 所以就感觉不到很多精彩 但是斯蒂芬·金就是让他好看
评分《杜马岛》是史蒂芬-金在2008年出版的恐怖小说。史蒂芬-金是个视角阴暗、愤世嫉俗的人,喜欢冷嘲热讽,善于自我揶揄,但他是绝对的恐怖小说之王。 熟悉史蒂芬-金的读者,光看到《杜马岛》这个书名,就可以想像出一个大致的故事轮廓:故事发生在一个叫做杜马的小岛上,这个...
评分我怎么读出了YY加励志小说的感觉 表示失语症在我这样一个正常人身上也是时时会发生,那种感觉和作者描述的也完全一样。我也几乎学会用作者那句 我可以办到 来控制自己。可惜效果没作者的好,没办法,慢慢来吧。 另外,国外的鬼怪真的太。。。。不吓人了,远不如中国宫廷...
图书标签: 英文原版 StephenKing Stephen.King
No more than a dark pencil line on a blank page. A horizon line, maybe. But also a slot for blackness to pour through...A terrible construction site accident takes Edgar Freemantle's right arm and scrambles his memory and his mind, leaving him with little but rage as he begins the ordeal of rehabilitation. A marriage that produced two lovely daughters suddenly ends, and Edgar begins to wish he hadn't survived the injuries that could have killed him. He wants out. His psychologist, Dr. Kamen, suggests a "geographic cure," a new life distant from the Twin Cities and the building business Edgar grew from scratch. And Kamen suggests something else. ""Edgar, does anything make you happy?" "I used to sketch.""Take it up again. You need hedges...hedges against the night.""Edgar leaves Minnesota for a rented house on Duma Key, a stunningly beautiful, eerily undeveloped splinter of the Florida coast. The sun setting into the Gulf of Mexico and the tidal rattling of shells on the beach call out to him, and Edgar draws. A visit from Ilse, the daughter he dotes on, starts his movement out of solitude. He meets a kindred spirit in Wireman, a man reluctant to reveal his own wounds, and then Elizabeth Eastlake, a sick old woman whose roots are tangled deep in Duma Key. Now Edgar paints, sometimes feverishly, his exploding talent both a wonder and a weapon. Many of his paintings have a power that cannot be controlled. When Elizabeth's past unfolds and the ghosts of her childhood begin to appear, the damage of which they are capable is truly devastating. The tenacity of love, the perils of creativity, the mysteries of memory and the nature of the supernatural -- Stephen King gives us a novel as fascinating as it is gripping and terrifying.
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评分到米国出差, 买了这本书. 一如既往的精彩悬疑小说.
评分到米国出差, 买了这本书. 一如既往的精彩悬疑小说.
评分到米国出差, 买了这本书. 一如既往的精彩悬疑小说.
评分到米国出差, 买了这本书. 一如既往的精彩悬疑小说.
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