Howard Bragman has been a communicator, educator, entrepreneur, writer and lecturer for more than two decades. Bragman founded a strategic media and public relations agency, Fifteen Minutes, in 2005.
Fifteen Minutes represents a broad yet focused client base in a diverse range of areas: personality, corporate entertainment, special events, consumer products, gay/lesbian market, media training and crisis management.
Media attention can boost careers, generate millions of dollars, and make dreams come true. It can also destroy reputations and derail carefully laid business plans. All publicity is not good publicity.
No one knows this better than Howard Bragman. For more than thirty years he has helped prominent people—movie stars, business leaders, philanthropists their messages out, in good times and bad.
His book won't make anyone famous overnight, but it will help readers understand the changing world of today's PR. It will also guide readers through the thought process of PR, defining their key messages and purpose to the media and public at large. If your public's perception doesn't match reality -- if you are a better person, offer a better product, or stand for a better cause than anyone realizes—you need help. Bragman shows how to:
•Understand your real target audience
•Respect what the media needs and wants
•Give memorable interviews, even during a crisis
•Handle the new challenges of the Internet age
He illustrates his lessons with juicy examples, from Frank Sinatra and Madonna to Coca-Cola and Monica Lewinsky. Whether you're trying to build a business, advance your career, or change the world, there's much to be learned from Bragman's insights and experience.
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作者Howard Bragman & Michael Levin。 此書英文原名《Where's My Fifteen Minutes?》,一語雙關,既有“颱上一分鐘,颱下十年功”之意,又暗指作者的公司Fifteen Minutes。這確實不好直譯為《我的一刻鐘在哪裏?》。書中開篇亦點題,Fifteen Minutes源於Andy Warhol預言的...
評分文 / 董小琳 周末,你去參加瞭一個讀書活動。 綫下聚會大都會用自我介紹的方式開場,既活躍瞭氣氛,又可以讓小夥伴們互相認識和瞭解。 我叫小娟,是一名初中曆史老師。我自己本身很喜歡看書,但總是堅持不下去。那今天來參加讀書會的目的,主要是想認識更多喜歡讀書、願意和我...
評分文 / 董小琳 周末,你去參加瞭一個讀書活動。 綫下聚會大都會用自我介紹的方式開場,既活躍瞭氣氛,又可以讓小夥伴們互相認識和瞭解。 我叫小娟,是一名初中曆史老師。我自己本身很喜歡看書,但總是堅持不下去。那今天來參加讀書會的目的,主要是想認識更多喜歡讀書、願意和我...
評分作者Howard Bragman & Michael Levin。 此書英文原名《Where's My Fifteen Minutes?》,一語雙關,既有“颱上一分鐘,颱下十年功”之意,又暗指作者的公司Fifteen Minutes。這確實不好直譯為《我的一刻鐘在哪裏?》。書中開篇亦點題,Fifteen Minutes源於Andy Warhol預言的...
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