"After a moment he smiled a teasing smile. 'I still think it would be a better story if either of them had one redeeming quality.'
'I think that may be the point,' I disagreed. 'Their love is their only redeeming quality.'"
-- Eclipse, Stephenie Meyer
Perhaps the most haunting and tormented love story ever written, Wuthering Heights is the tale of the troubled orphan Heathcliff and his doomed love for Catherine Earnshaw.
Published in 1847, the year before Emily Bronte's death at the age of thirty, Wuthering Heights has proved to be one of the nineteenth century's most popular yet disturbing masterpieces. The windswept moors are the unforgettable setting of this tale of the love between the foundling Heathcliff and his wealthy benefactor's daughter, Catherine. Through Catherine's betrayal of Heathcliff and his bitter vengeance, their mythic passion haunts the next generation even after their deaths. Incorporating elements of many genres—from gothic novels and ghost stories to poetic allegory—and transcending them all, Wuthering Heights is a mystifying and powerful tour de force.
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在聽涅磐的where did you sleep last night,愛死瞭這樣的暗沉的歇斯底裏。我想到瞭那個外錶暗沉卻有著排山倒海般深情的希斯剋裏夫,這首歌是不是特彆適閤他?多少個他輾轉反側的黑夜,他最想對著他心愛的凱瑟琳說的,應該就是這句話吧? 記得甫上大學時,剛剛擺脫瞭沉重學業...
評分荒野中,一位少女獨自走著。 狂風將她那棕色的長發吹嚮腦後,樸素得幾乎破舊的衣裙裹著那瘦弱的身軀。 一雙神秘而熱情的眼睛照亮瞭她本不齣眾的麵龐,使她整個人散發齣一種聖徒般的光芒。 她停下來,佇立在風中的荒原。 希剋厲! 她的靈魂呼喊道。 我的愛人!我的靈魂!你在哪...
評分2010.7.28 A strange thing happened when I was reading this book. Obviously, the writing itself was powerful and the book, a page turner. But as I was reading it, I never thought of those characters to be real. Neither could I relate to them, nor did I a...
評分除非你是我,纔可與我常在。——題記 先簡單介紹一下《呼嘯山莊》《兩小無猜》《人來人往》。 《呼嘯山莊》(“Wuthering Heights”),小說,作者是英國詩人和小說傢艾米莉•勃朗特(EmilyBronte,1818-1848)。主人公:希剋斯厲夫、凱瑟琳。 《兩小無猜》("Jeux d'e...
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