Bruce Lawson是Opera軟件的開放Web專傢,是Web標準項目組可訪問性任務組和W3C的移動Web最佳實踐組的成員。
Remy Sharp是一位開發者、演講者和博主,他有幾本書即將齣版。Remy在布萊頓運營著自己的開發公司Left Logic,還編寫有關JavaScript、jQuery、CSS,以及其他語言的代碼。
Suddenly, everyone's talking about HTML5, and ready or not, you need to get acquainted with this powerful new development in web and application design. Some of its new features are already being implemented by existing browsers, and much more is around the corner. Written by developers who have been using the new language for the past year in their work, this book shows you how to start adapting the language now to realize its benefits on today's browsers. Rather than being just an academic investigation, it concentrates on the practical--the problems HTML5 can solve for you right away. By following the book's hands-on HTML5 code examples you'll learn: * new semantics and structures to help your site become richer and more accessible * how to apply the most important JavaScript APIs that are already implemented * the uses of native multimedia for video and audio* techniques for drawing lines, fills, gradients, images and text with canvas * how to build more intelligent web forms* implementation of new storage options and web databases* how geolocation works with HTML5 in both web and mobile applicationsAll the code from this book (and more) is available at ******** There appear to be intermittent problems with the first printing of Introducing HTML5. If you have one of these copies, please email us at with a copy of your receipt (from any reseller), and we'll either provide access to the eBook or send you another copy of the print book -- whichever you prefer. If you'd like the eBook we can add that to your account. You can set up a free account at "U>". Thanks so much for your understanding!
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有實實在在的內容,而且寫的還是挺詼諧。html5引入的一些新標簽,概念上挺容易混淆的,不過作者基本上還是寫的讓我能夠明白。 但是是否能夠都記住就不好說瞭。 這是html5的問題。 抱歉,你的評論太短瞭 --- 要多長纔算不短啊?
評分此書的翻譯質量很差,好多句子不太通順,很簡單的內容翻譯的句子很繞看的很糾結,另外此書涉及的html5內容也不深,標簽所帶的例子太少而且個人認為例子一點也不好,書很薄而且39的售價一點也不低。 ------------------------
評分此書的翻譯質量很差,好多句子不太通順,很簡單的內容翻譯的句子很繞看的很糾結,另外此書涉及的html5內容也不深,標簽所帶的例子太少而且個人認為例子一點也不好,書很薄而且39的售價一點也不低。 ------------------------
評分這本書不適閤當作教程來讀,隻能是一部經驗指導書。當你大緻理解瞭HTML5後再來看這本書,隻能作為主食後的甜點來看瞭。 200頁不到,進40元價格的確有點貴瞭。 希望竟快有其他的關於HTML5中譯本上市。
評分這本書不適閤當作教程來讀,隻能是一部經驗指導書。當你大緻理解瞭HTML5後再來看這本書,隻能作為主食後的甜點來看瞭。 200頁不到,進40元價格的確有點貴瞭。 希望竟快有其他的關於HTML5中譯本上市。
圖書標籤: HTML5 互聯網 Web開發 設計 網頁設計 編程 軟件開發 英文
Introducing HTML 5 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載