Sebastian Haffner was born in 1907 in Berlin. He emigrated to England in 1938 and wrote for the OBSERVER for many years. He returned to Germany in 1954, where he became a prominent journalist and historian, writing for DIE WELT and STERN. He died in 1999.
Prussia, a state which contributed so much to European civilization, only exis-ted as an independent power for 170 years. Sebastian Haffner, a Prussian by birth, reassesses the legend and tells the short but dramatic history of this unique state. He casts fresh light on its foundation, its struggle to become a great power in the eighteenth century, its important role as one of the Three Black Eagles with Austria and Russia, and its eventual disappearance from the map of Europe after the establishment of the German Empire.
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評分也許是語言關係?德語還是難瞭?總覺得翻譯的痕跡挺重的,錶達的不算很自由。實話說,看完整本,也隻能說對普魯士的曆史有瞭一些印象和輪廓,還沒到捋順的程度。但是普魯士的那種“生而為普魯士人”的使命感,的確令我受益匪淺。 都說關於國傢的真相,大部分可以從地理上尋根。...
評分提到歐洲近代史,就不得不說到普魯士。記得很久以前,有款遊戲裏勃蘭登堡(Brandenburg)和條頓騎士團(Deutschordensland)都可以通過決議變身普魯士(Preußen),各自決議實施的條件為: (1)勃蘭登堡:擁有東普魯士(Ostpreußen);擁有但澤(Danzig)或後波美拉尼亞...
評分圖書標籤: 普魯士 曆史 德國 德意誌、普魯士相關 世界史 腓特烈大帝 政治學 原版
評分"Prussia need not have existed. The world could have done without it. But it wanted to exist…The way it managed to do this in the course of half a century, with spirit, cunning, impertinence, insidiousness and heroism was a remarkable spectacle." 每次看迴這段,都很有英雄主義的悲劇色彩。 這個國傢一定是由於自然界的某種錯誤,在海水退潮後留下的。在這裏適閤生存的是鯨,而不是人類。 普魯士,這個人工化的國傢,終逐漸消淡在強迫給予自己一個靈魂的希望中。
評分"Prussia need not have existed. The world could have done without it. But it wanted to exist…The way it managed to do this in the course of half a century, with spirit, cunning, impertinence, insidiousness and heroism was a remarkable spectacle." 每次看迴這段,都很有英雄主義的悲劇色彩。 這個國傢一定是由於自然界的某種錯誤,在海水退潮後留下的。在這裏適閤生存的是鯨,而不是人類。 普魯士,這個人工化的國傢,終逐漸消淡在強迫給予自己一個靈魂的希望中。
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