Artist, Takeshi Obata made his debut in 1989 with Cyborg Ji-Chan
G. The runner-up recipient of the 30th Annual Tezuka Award, Obata's major
works include Chikarabito Densetsu and Mashin Boukentan Lamp-Lamp.
Bakuman. 01 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
“我想成为漫画家!” 从小看着漫画长大的我们,有谁不曾喊出振聋发聩的这句话?姑且不论这话是偷偷在无人的时候暗叫,还是冒着被人说“人来疯”的危险在大庭广众下大吼,也不管这样的梦想是否太天真,会不会被现实扼杀,它曾经存在的痕迹却永远不会消失。因为,它是属于我们的...
评分 评分 评分 评分第一次看到《爆漫王》这个标题,并不觉得会是一部成功的作品,毕竟在《少年jump》上真正主打的是友情、努力、胜利为主的热血王道漫,像《爆漫王》这样没有刀剑互搏,没有血肉纷飞,走着“文娱”方向的漫画,很难被JUMP的读者所喜爱。可是,当你开始看起来时,就会觉得这是一场...
图书标签: 小畑健 漫画 日本 Bakuman 日本漫画 大场鸫 梦想 少年漫画
R to L (Japanese Style). Is becoming a successful manga artist an achievable dream or just one big gamble?
Average student Moritaka Mashiro enjoys drawing for fun. When his classmate and aspiring writer Akito Takagi discovers his talent, he begs Moritaka to team up with him as a manga-creating duo. But what exactly does it take to make it in the manga-publishing world? Moritaka is hesitant to seriously consider Akito's proposal because he knows how difficult reaching the professional level can be. Still, encouragement from persistent Akito and motivation from his crush push Moritaka to test his limits!
评分有多久没有一部漫画可以这么热血又感人了 其实我不想过分渲染梦想的力量,也是两人努力的结果
Bakuman. 01 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书