In the spring of 1974, Calliope Stephanides, a student at a girls' school, Grosse Pointe, MI, finds herself drawn to a chain-smoking, strawberry-blonde classmate with a gift for acting. The passion that furtively develops between them - along with Callie's failure to develop - leads Callie to suspect that she is not like other girls. The explanation for this shocking state of affairs takes us out of suburbia - back before the Detroit race riots of 1967, before the rise of the Motor City, to 1922, when the Turks sacked Smyrna and Callie's grandparents fled for their lives, back to a tiny village in Asia Minor where two lovers, and one rare genetic mutation, set in motion the metamorphosis that will turn Callie into a being both mythical and perfectly real: a hermaphrodite. Sprawling across eight decades - and one unusually awkward adolescence - Jeffrey Eugenide's long-awaited second novel is a grand, utterly original fable of crossed bloodlines, the intricacies of gender, and the deep, untidy promptings of desire. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Audie Award for best unabridged fiction, Middlesex marks the fulfillment of a huge talent, named one of America's best young novelists by both Granta and "The New Yorker,"
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隱晦的辭藻,豐富的想象。作者不遺餘力描述身體暴露時的場景,隔靴搔癢的形容,入木三分的勾引。 與其說是史詩的故事,不如看作人性窺視欲望的滿足。亂倫,性交,裸體,獵奇錶演,等待死亡,因為禁忌而誘惑,因為犯罪而刺激,在平凡無奇的人生中通過彆人的經曆掩蓋內心的妄語...
評分for 上海壹周 “一個真正的希臘人可以在這種悲劇的調子裏瞭結一生。但是一個美國人總喜歡保持樂觀的態度。”(P619) 厚達645頁的《中性》是一部悲喜交集的傢庭史詩,小說以一位兩性人為綫索,講述瞭美國一個希臘移民傢庭三代人的故事。 “我齣生過兩次。”小說開門見山地寫道...
評分雨天裏,朋友在我讀完《第二性》之後,推薦我閱讀《中性》(Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides)。書,也在雨天裏寄到,那時候,上海正經曆著史上最暖和的十一月,而我讀完的時候,寒流終於將鼕天帶來。 閱讀之前,我早做好瞭接受各種負麵情緒齣現的準備,卻不料,讀得越深...
評分《朦朧的欲望》—— 一段發生在夏天的故事,作者是尤金尼德——寫《中性》的那個作傢。兩部作品有非常類似的主人公,而這一次又是兩個女孩。 薄薄的一本短篇集,沒想到看瞭整整一個星期。有些書適閤快看,比如金庸,一個晚上可以翻厚厚的四本,起來喝上一大杯冰鎮酶汁,超爽。...
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