In some school districts in America, the biology classroom has become the focal point of an old controversy in new guise. Reminiscent of the arguments heard in the famous Scopes 'monkey trial' of 1925, today's debate centres on the teaching of Intelligent Design (ID) versus conventional evolutionary theory. Proponents of ID argue that evolution does not adequately explain the latest discoveries of biology and that Intelligent Design should be offered in the classroom as an alternative explanation. Defenders of evolutionary theory respond by noting that Darwin's ideas are the very bedrock of contemporary biological science and that Intelligent Design is not a testable theory. In this balanced collection of recent articles, proponents of both sides of this controversial issue present their points of view. "Intelligent Design" advocates include such prominent representatives as William A Dembski, Michael Behe, Phillip Johnson, and Alvin Plantinga, while evolution is defended by Daniel Dennett, Kenneth Miller, Michael Ruse, Nancey Murphy, and Ernan McMullen, among others. Also included is a section on the origins of the debate with excerpts from the writings of Charles Darwin and William Paley; a point-counterpoint section, where opposing viewpoints are directly contrasted; and a concluding section on the compatibility of religion and evolution, featuring essays by the late Pope John Paul II, Stephen Jay Gould, and Holmes Rolston III, among others. This excellent compilation is an ideal starting point for anyone interested in scientific literacy, public education, and the role of religion in human experience.
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