奧爾罕·帕慕剋(Orhan Pamuk, 1952- ),當代歐洲最傑齣的小說傢之一,享譽國際的土耳其文學巨擘。齣生於伊斯坦布爾,曾在伊斯坦布爾科技技大學主修建築。2006年獲諾貝文學奬,作品已經被譯為40多種語言齣版。
“A great and almost irresistibly beguiling . . . novelist. . . . [ Snow is] enriched by . . . mesmerizing mixes: cruelty and farce, poetry and violence, and a voice whose timbres range from a storyteller’s playfulness to the dark torment of an explorer, lost.”– The New York Times
An exiled poet named Ka returns to Turkey and travels to the forlorn city of Kars. His ostensible purpose is to report on a wave of suicides among religious girls forbidden to wear their head scarves. But Ka is also drawn by his memories of the radiant Ipek, now recently divorced.
Amid blanketing snowfall and universal suspicion, Ka finds himself pursued by figures ranging from Ipek’s ex-husband to a charismatic terrorist. A lost gift returns with ecstatic suddenness. A theatrical evening climaxes in a massacre. And finding God may be the prelude to losing everything else. Touching, slyly comic, and humming with cerebral suspense, Snow is of immense relevance to our present moment.
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譯自2004年8月15日《紐約時報書評周刊》 本文作者為加拿大女作傢瑪格麗特·阿特伍德(《可以吃的女人》,《盲刺客》) 土耳其作傢奧罕·帕慕剋的第七本小說不僅是一次引人入勝的敘事錶演,而且是我們這時代不可或缺的讀物。 在土耳其,帕慕剋等同於搖滾明星、精神導師、診斷專...
評分奧爾罕·帕慕剋癡迷於顔色。這是我今天晚上清理書櫃時的新發現。你瞧這些名字:《我的名字叫紅》、《黑書》、《雪》、《白色城堡》。那本新買的《雪》實在是不忍心用手摸,實在是太白瞭呀,無論洗多少遍手還是不放心,即便是放在書架上,也會沾瞭灰。 上周末的傍晚,我去瞭街...
評分 評分雪的含義,有時,要看它落在什麼地方瞭。 比如說,落在曹雪芹的金陵,它就是“好瞭歌”。“好一似食盡鳥投林,落瞭片白茫茫大地真乾淨!”落在喬伊斯的都柏林,它就是“癱瘓與死亡”。“整個愛爾蘭都在落雪。它落在陰鬱的中部平原的每一片地方上,落在光禿禿的小山上,輕輕地落...
圖書標籤: Orhan Snow Pamuk 小說
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