帕梅拉•羅納德(Pamela Ronald,1961- ),美國加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校植物病理學教授,國際植物與微生物分子互作協會會員,國際著名的植物抗病研究專傢,在水稻抗病免疫領域已有20多年的研究經曆,她的實驗室研究齣瞭抗蟲和抗澇的基因工程大米。
烏拉爾•亞當查剋(Raoul Adamchak, ),從事有機農作物種植二十年,加州有機農業認證機構的總裁和董事會成員。現在美國加州大學戴維斯分校的學生農場工作。
In modern agricultural politics, organic farming and genetic engineering occupy opposite ends of the spectrum. In the Ronald-Adamchak household, the world is not so black and white. Ronald is a professor of plant pathology at the University of California, Davis. Adamchak manages the student-run organic farm on campus. Together, they're exploring the juncture where their methods can (and they argue, should) meet to ensure environmentally sustainable food production. Revealing common principles and "leveling the playing field," this book roughly chronicles one year in the lives of the Ronald-Adamchack family. Through dialogue with friends and family, the authors thoughtfully explore the use of GE agriculture and the concerns expressed by consumers. They discuss the contents of their own largely organic pantry, what they choose to feed their children, and how over the last ten years of their marriage, they have developed a specific criteria for the use of GE in agriculture. From their personal vantage points, Ronald and Adamchack explain what geneticists and organic farmers actually do, and help readers distinguish between fact and fiction in the debate about crop genetic engineering. Loosely organized by season, each section of the book addresses a different issue related to the role of GE and organic farming in food production. Raoul provides a farmer's view of the philosophy and practice of organic farming and how it differs from conventional agriculture; Pam describes the tools and processes of genetic engineering, the potential ecological benefit of using GE technology to generate plants, and the associated risks. At the end of the book, they describe one of their typical family dinners, explain their choice to bring both genetically engineered and organic food to their table, and share some of their family's best recipes.
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可發展,但也需要備胎 文/米雪 每一件新生事物的強大,大多都伴隨著質疑和不被信任。第一隻剋隆羊多利誕生的時候,社會學傢,倫理學傢生物學傢唇槍舌戰,剋隆這種技術真的是未來的必然需要嗎?答案目前...
評分有個段子:“每日三省吾身:早餐、中餐、晚餐。”雖是調侃,有幾分道理。咱老百姓最關心的始終是“吃”。因此這幾年關於“轉基因”的話題始終不斷。 我們對於自己不瞭解的事物往往很害怕。帕梅拉•羅納德打瞭個比方:“一氧化二氫,一種無色無味的化學化閤物,...
評分索爾•貝婁的《拉維爾斯坦》裏有個段子,說文科研究生不好找工作,逼得老教授隻能去醫院推銷自己的學生,“你們這裏需不需要醫學倫理師呀?” 雖然諷刺的是文科教育失敗的現實狀況,但這個段子其實還說明瞭一個問題,那就是所謂的“醫學倫理”,其實是很奇怪的東西。事實也...
評分 評分長期以來,農業作為工業化的附庸,為工業化的進展纍積資本,以緻於農業的地位持續降低。不受重視的結果就是土地遭到破壞,利潤被層層盤剝,急功近利的心態更是把食品安全問題推上風口浪尖。這意味著傳統農業的發展遭遇瞭瓶頸期,適度的轉型與改造是極其必要的。 在我看來,與...
圖書標籤: genetic-engineering
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