As the millions of contemporary crochet enthusiasts explore new avenues for creative expression, they're also creating their own special kind of couture with their hooks. And these sophisticated, high-fashion designs, inspired by runway trends, will appeal to their well-honed sense of style. Made with luxurious, sensuous fibers like silk, cashmere, and angora, the 25 projects in this alluring collection include sexy designs, such as a morning robe, a retro cocktail mini-dress, red hot halter, elegant cowl pullover, and sage corset. Beautifully photographed with moody lighting and stylish models, and featuring step-by-step illustrations, this unique guide will appeal to the upscale crocheter eager to combine her favorite craft with her taste for all that's chic and elegant.
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Sensual Crochet 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載