Dark Horse Manga steps into shojo with a daring, imaginative series that puts a sci-fi twist to typical gakuen mono! Shizuka Shiroyama is an eighth grader with a mysterious disease that periodically turns her somewhat transparent...and occasionally completely invisible! She needs support from her friends and family to stay solid, both literally and figuratively, and this teen-centric romantic comedy explores both Shizuka's struggles as she copes with the incredible Translucent Syndrome and her struggles with personal insecurities, early career aspirations, and boys! In this volume, Mamoru and Shizuka finally go on an official date, Okouchi - their friend and the student body president - decides to be a pushy cupid, and a trip to the beach leads to some heartbreaking moments. Writer and artist Kazuhiro Okamoto crafts an excellent "shojo" series that is both smart and sensitive, with plenty of humor and a dash of angst.
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