A glorious novel of the controversial Richard III---a monarch betrayed in life by his allies and betrayed in death by historyIn this beautifully rendered modern classic, Sharon Kay Penman redeems Richard III---vilified as the bitter, twisted, scheming hunchback who murdered his nephews, the princes in the Tower---from his maligned place in history with a dazzling combination of research and storytelling. Born into the treacherous courts of fifteenth-century England, in the midst of what history has called The War of the Roses, Richard was raised in the shadow of his charismatic brother, King Edward IV. Loyal to his friends and passionately in love with the one woman who was denied him, Richard emerges as a gifted man far more sinned against than sinning. This magnificent retelling of his life is ?lled with all of the sights and sounds of battle, the customs and lore of the ?fteenth century, the rigors of court politics, and the passions and prejudices of royalty.
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Chapter 5 "He knew what he wanted, did her Édouard, and even at seven years of age, he understood, as Henri never had, that he must reach out for what he did want. Nothing came to the weak. Not in this world. Let others be content to wait for the rewards...
評分Chapter 5 "He knew what he wanted, did her Édouard, and even at seven years of age, he understood, as Henri never had, that he must reach out for what he did want. Nothing came to the weak. Not in this world. Let others be content to wait for the rewards...
評分Chapter 5 "He knew what he wanted, did her Édouard, and even at seven years of age, he understood, as Henri never had, that he must reach out for what he did want. Nothing came to the weak. Not in this world. Let others be content to wait for the rewards...
評分Chapter 5 "He knew what he wanted, did her Édouard, and even at seven years of age, he understood, as Henri never had, that he must reach out for what he did want. Nothing came to the weak. Not in this world. Let others be content to wait for the rewards...
評分Chapter 5 "He knew what he wanted, did her Édouard, and even at seven years of age, he understood, as Henri never had, that he must reach out for what he did want. Nothing came to the weak. Not in this world. Let others be content to wait for the rewards...
圖書標籤: 曆史 RichardIII 英國 曆史小說 英文 小說 UK_history Richlee
其實沒讀完 但後麵太慘真的不忍心接著看(跳到Anne去世的那塊看瞭幾章) 愛四多活十幾年不好嗎?? 隻看瞭半本書多一點,配角裏Margaret of Anjou、Somerset、John Neville印象比較深,還有Edmund, earl of Rutland的死那段比較突然。
評分Ricardians入門讀物之一——小說類除瞭The Daughter of Time,隻需讀這一本就夠瞭。雖然是小說,卻也沒偏離史實,對幾個謎題——Clarence之死,Hastings之死,Gloucester奪權,甚至Princes in the Tower——都給齣瞭相對plausible的解釋。作者屬文筆細膩一派,用瞭大量心理和對話描寫;大部分人物形象都很立體,較單薄的是Buckingham和Elizabeth Woodville。沒有寫成俗氣的愛情小說,這點也很難得。
評分Richardian必備小說.作者的文風相當嚴謹漂亮,塑造人物非常成功。戰爭都是萬不得已的選擇,約剋和沃裏剋伯爵傢的孩子們是從小一起長大的呢,看到Ed4跟沃裏剋伯爵決裂時特彆難過,本是同根生,相煎何太急。不似中國皇室的奪位之爭大有完全泯滅孝悌之嫌,小說在描寫玫瑰戰爭每個參與者麵對戰場另一頭親人時的苦澀心情相當準確而感人。悲劇就是把美麗的東西毀滅,so did the war.
評分Richardian必備小說.作者的文風相當嚴謹漂亮,塑造人物非常成功。戰爭都是萬不得已的選擇,約剋和沃裏剋伯爵傢的孩子們是從小一起長大的呢,看到Ed4跟沃裏剋伯爵決裂時特彆難過,本是同根生,相煎何太急。不似中國皇室的奪位之爭大有完全泯滅孝悌之嫌,小說在描寫玫瑰戰爭每個參與者麵對戰場另一頭親人時的苦澀心情相當準確而感人。悲劇就是把美麗的東西毀滅,so did the war.
The Sunne In Splendour 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載