LAST OF THE MOHICANS 最后的摩根战士 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
作品不仅是库柏的最著名作品,就是在同类题材中,也是数一数二的佳作。 故事的背景还是发生在英法刚开始殖民美洲大陆时期,双方在进行着战争,而双方都有着印第安部队盟友。而作者做为英国后裔,显然立场明确,所以在故事中不仅正面描写英国人和英军,还刻意写出的法国人的背信...
评分不好意思地说,留意到这本书的书名,是因为多年前,小贝在世界杯上的莫西干头(据说还是翻译错误)。而想读读这本书,是因为前几天重听《晓说》,当讲到《三体》这本书时提到了,印第安被入侵,就如同三体等外星文明入侵地球一样。 这本书在读之前就觉得不会太有趣,一读发现,...
评分 评分从图书馆借来的原版书,里面不认识的单词一大堆。但是看下来以后觉得还是很不错的,很容易投入至作者描述的那个环境当中去。
图书标签: 良仓列
The most popular and memorable of the "Leatherstocking Tales": set in the rugged wilderness of upper New York State during the brutal French and Indian War, it tells the story of the Munro sisters, daughters of a commander in the British army. THIS ENRICHED CLASSIC EDITION INCLUDES: A concise introduction that gives the reader important background informationA chronology of the author's life and workA timeline of significant events that provides the book's historical contextAn outline of key themes and plot points to guide the reader's own interpretationsDetailed explanatory notesCritical analysis, including contemporary and modern perspectives on the workDiscussion questions to promote lively classroom and book group interactionA list of recommended related books and films to broaden the reader's experience
LAST OF THE MOHICANS 最后的摩根战士 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书