Packed with action, romance and historical intrigue, "Rurouni Kenshin "is one of the most beloved and popular manga series worldwide. Set against the backdrop of the Meiji Restoration, it tells the saga of Himura Kenshin, once an assassin of ferocious power, now a humble rurouni, a wandering swordsman fighting to protect the honor of those in need. This VIZBIG edition of "Rurouni Kenshin "contains volumes 4-6, bonus color content, and updated text. Shinomori Aoshi was once the leader of Edo Castle's elite guard, the Oniwabanshu. But with the fighting at an end and the shogunate overthrown, the brilliant Aoshi and his four most loyal onmitsu, or spies, find themselves without a home or a purpose. When fighting is your life, loyalty to those lost ideals (and to the man who most symbolized them) may be the one thing left. But Megumi's life is at stake, and however sympathetic Kenshin may feel, he will fight on, to the last man if necessary...
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Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 2 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載