葛瑞格•摩頓森與大衛•奧利佛•瑞林(Greg Mortenson& David Oliver Relin)
Three Cups of Tea 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
讀過《三杯茶》,想起三句話 愛因斯坦說: “不要羨慕做一個成功的人,要羨慕做一個有價值的人。” 教會裏一位美國牧師說: “我們人類,存在的意義&所有工作的目的,是為瞭這個世界變得更美好。” 毛澤東說: “星星之火,可以燎原。” 奉獻。是個慢活兒。 也許做瞭一輩...
評分《三杯茶》在我讀來,是三層含義: 第一杯茶:是關於感恩的故事 第二杯茶:是關於承諾的故事 第三杯茶:是關於堅持的故事 每個故事都很感人,關鍵在於這個故事是真實的。 我能想象讓這個世界變得充滿仇恨和憤怒的,不是缺少財富,而是缺少給底層的人民以希望。 一個美國...
評分意識形態上的潛移默化!!!!!!!! 越到後麵越明顯。 前麵還好,頂多說成美國佬的個人英雄主義 後麵 尤其是從海灣戰爭開始之後的地方 充滿瞭美國佬的優越感 還有那種赤裸裸的妄圖用精神來搞“世界大同”的思想 完全都不喜歡 最討厭的那一句是 怎麼樣使美國安全?在穆斯林地...
評分我沒看過“奮鬥”,也沒看過“蝸居”,至今賴著不看“阿凡達”,卻暗自竊喜地鼓勵自己繼續這麼out著,因為我最近沉浸在三本不幸的書中。 當我在三亞沙灘上日光浴時,書中的摩頓森正躲在血淋淋的羊皮底下,冒著鴉片犯子的炮火,去建立慈善學校;我靠著陽光普照的沙發品著鐵觀音...
圖書標籤: 法國
awful large print version, but a excellent book as fiction. story from a mountaineer promise to building a school after been rescued by local villagers. Then became a hero of promoting education in muslim countries for girls. However, the scandals behind the book is disgraceful and disturbing. I should not read the related news :(
評分awful large print version, but a excellent book as fiction. story from a mountaineer promise to building a school after been rescued by local villagers. Then became a hero of promoting education in muslim countries for girls. However, the scandals behind the book is disgraceful and disturbing. I should not read the related news :(
評分awful large print version, but a excellent book as fiction. story from a mountaineer promise to building a school after been rescued by local villagers. Then became a hero of promoting education in muslim countries for girls. However, the scandals behind the book is disgraceful and disturbing. I should not read the related news :(
評分awful large print version, but a excellent book as fiction. story from a mountaineer promise to building a school after been rescued by local villagers. Then became a hero of promoting education in muslim countries for girls. However, the scandals behind the book is disgraceful and disturbing. I should not read the related news :(
評分awful large print version, but a excellent book as fiction. story from a mountaineer promise to building a school after been rescued by local villagers. Then became a hero of promoting education in muslim countries for girls. However, the scandals behind the book is disgraceful and disturbing. I should not read the related news :(
Three Cups of Tea 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載