肖恩·麥金托什,(Shawn McIntosh),哥倫比亞大學繼續教育學院策略傳播項目的講師,曾參與編寫《融閤媒體:大眾傳播導論》一書。
馬剋·萊弗裏特,(Marc Leverette),科羅拉多州立大學語言傳播係媒體研究專業的助理教授,曾參與編寫《這不是電視:在後電視時代看HBO》一書。
Why have zombies resonated so pervasively in the popular imagination and in media, especially films? Why have they proved to be one of the most versatile and popular monster types in the growing video game industry? What makes zombies such widespread symbols of horror and dread, and how have portrayals of zombies in movies changed and evolved to fit contemporary fears, anxieties, and social issues? Zombies have held a unique place in film and popular culture throughout most of the 20th century. Rare in that this enduring monster type originated in non-European folk culture rather than the Gothic tradition from which monsters like vampires and werewolves have emerged, zombies have in many ways superseded these Gothic monsters in popular entertainment and the public imagination and have increasingly been used in discussions ranging from the philosophy of mind to computer lingo to the business press. Zombie Culture brings together scholars from a variety of fields, including cinema studies, popular culture, and video game studies, who have examined the living dead through a variety of lenses. By looking at how portrayals of zombies have evolved from their folkloric roots and entered popular culture, readers will gain deeper insights into what zombies mean in terms of the public psyche, how they represent societal fears, and how their evolving portrayals continue to reflect underlying beliefs of The Other, contagion, and death.
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評分2016年,韓國僵屍片《釜山行》火爆瞭整個朋友圈。在電影中,僵屍咬噬人類,將他者變異成同類並迅速蔓延開來。有意思的是,電影之外,也有類似的“傳染”景觀,對這部影片,大眾口口相傳,由此引發瞭罕見的觀影熱潮。 僵屍片為何能帶來如此之大的吸引力?《電影中的僵屍文化》 ...
評分我對於僵屍最早的記憶,還是在香港以林正英為代錶的僵屍片中,那時候對於僵屍的印象可說是童年陰影,直到後來纔發現,僵屍這種虛構形象不僅僅存在於東方,更加盛行的則是在西方。 羅梅羅在1968年拍攝《活死人之夜》時,應該不會想到,僵屍這一類型的題材,可以風靡至今,入侵...
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