PRAISE FOR WILL DURST "An equal opportunity offender with a restless mind and delicious sense of language." -- Los Angeles Times "Will Durst is the natural successor to Mort Sahl." - New York Post "A modern day Will Rogers." -- Boston Globe "A new wave hysterical hybrid of Hunter S. Thompson and Charles Osgood." -- Chicago Tribune "A great political satirist! One of the funniest guys around!" -- Fox News Radio "So good it's scary." -- San Francisco Chronicle Red versus Blue. Left versus Right. Sun-dried tomato basil reduction versus ketchup. Will Durst is fed up with America's political extremes. Outraged and outrageous, he's fired up and ready to joke about it. In The All-American Sport of Bipartisan Bashing , Durst hits both sides of the aisle with gloves packed full of common sense. This collection of humorous essays swings from the purple center and lands `em where it hurts the funniest. About the Author Will Durst is a former Margarine smuggler from Wisconsin who has written for the New York Times, Esquire, George, the San Francisco Chronicle and many other periodicals. He lives in San Francisco.
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The All-American Sport of Bipartisan Bashing 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載