"Flatland: The Movie" is an exciting half-hour animated film based on Edwin Abbott's classic novel. Flatland is an entirely two-dimensional world where different shapes live, work, and play--all under the rule of the evil Circles who are determined to keep the third dimension a secret, at any cost. The story follows Arthur Square (Martin Sheen) and his curious granddaughter Hex (Kristen Bell). When the mysterious visitor Spherius (Michael York) arrives from Spaceland, Arthur and Hex face grave danger as they begin to come to terms with the truth of the third dimension. Combining action, drama, geometry, and sociopolitical commentary, this moving story challenges audiences to grasp the limitations of their assumptions about reality and to think about the possibility of higher and previously inconceivable dimensions (both literal and metaphorical). DVD features: 4-D short feature: Brown University mathematician Thomas Banchoff discusses Flatland and the fourth dimension Interviews with cast members Martin Sheen, Kristen Bell, Michael York, Tony Hale, and Joe Estevez English and Spanish subtitles Full text of the novel that inspired the movie
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評分文/魯鼕旭 許多讀者恐怕對《平麵國》並不熟悉,至少我在開始翻譯前對其知之甚少:除瞭《生活大爆炸》裏謝爾頓的推崇,我壓根沒在彆處聽說過這部作品。 1884 年齣版,作者埃德溫·A. 艾勃特是牧師、神學傢、古典文學學者、公立學校校長——成書年代和作者的身份都讓我下意識想拒...
評分 評分平麵國,顧名思義,是一個僅存在於平麵之中的國傢,隻有長度和寬度而沒有厚度。國傢裏的女人們都是直綫,智力低下,衝動而健忘。男人的多數是地位較低的等腰三角形,中産階級則是等邊三角形以上的規則圖形,同時還有多邊形乃至圓形的特權階層。三角形男人頂角的大小決定瞭他們...
圖書標籤: 科幻
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