The influential Italian architect, art historian and theorist Manfredo Tafuri (1935-1994) made a decisive contribution to the practice of architectural history during his lifetime, yet the breadth of his bibliography and the depth of his perception of historical issues remains largely unexplored even today. Many people know of Tafuri through his critical essays for "Oppositions" magazine in the 1970s, which were published under the guidance of Peter Eisenman. Tafuri was also known for his association with the radical Left in Italy during that same era. This volume, authored by the scholar Andrew Leach of the University of Queensland in Australia, is the first in the English language to consider Tafuri's contribution to architectural culture. As such, it opens up a long-overdue discussion on both the premises of Tafuri's practice and the historical questions that have consequently emerged.
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圖書標籤: 建築 建築理論 architecture-history ManfredoTafuri 論文 *理論·建築
評分不是很愉快地啃完瞭,中間有些部分沒有看很明白,但……蜜汁自信地覺得是作者寫作太繞瞭,因為感覺都在說一個意思,就是塔夫裏是非常反對operative history或者theory的,認為這是意識形態從潛意識層麵進行的投射。反對將曆史捋成一條封閉的綫索來闡述,和建築生産捆綁在一起,這實際造成瞭曆史的危機。本雅明言“靈光的消失”,但塔夫裏追問瞭一句,為什麼會有“靈光”?所謂“靈光”,不過是自文藝復興以降新産生的“建築師”階層弄齣的一套話語權罷瞭,同時也壓扁瞭過去的豐富內容。從他將Borromini和Piranesi列為建築師中可與之相媲美的實踐來看,他早年對羅西的認可(過去不加區彆地碎片疊加)和後來與羅西分道揚鑣(建築師固守在自己的話語體係當中),可以說是很容易理解的。
評分不是很愉快地啃完瞭,中間有些部分沒有看很明白,但……蜜汁自信地覺得是作者寫作太繞瞭,因為感覺都在說一個意思,就是塔夫裏是非常反對operative history或者theory的,認為這是意識形態從潛意識層麵進行的投射。反對將曆史捋成一條封閉的綫索來闡述,和建築生産捆綁在一起,這實際造成瞭曆史的危機。本雅明言“靈光的消失”,但塔夫裏追問瞭一句,為什麼會有“靈光”?所謂“靈光”,不過是自文藝復興以降新産生的“建築師”階層弄齣的一套話語權罷瞭,同時也壓扁瞭過去的豐富內容。從他將Borromini和Piranesi列為建築師中可與之相媲美的實踐來看,他早年對羅西的認可(過去不加區彆地碎片疊加)和後來與羅西分道揚鑣(建築師固守在自己的話語體係當中),可以說是很容易理解的。
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