蕭拉瑟(Russell Shorto),美國曆史學傢和作傢。1959年齣生於賓夕法尼亞州,1981年喬治華盛頓大學研究生畢業,是《紐約時報雜誌》專欄作傢。除瞭《笛卡爾的骨頭》廣受好評之外,他也以《世界中心的島嶼》一書齣名,該書論及紐約市的荷蘭起源。他也因加強荷蘭與美國的關係而在2009年獲得荷蘭騎士勛章。
On a brutal winter's day in 1650 in Stockholm, the Frenchman René Descartes, the most influential and controversial thinker of his time, was buried after a cold and lonely death far from home. Sixteen years later, the French Ambassador Hugues de Terlon secretly unearthed Descartes' bones and transported them to France.
Why would this devoutly Catholic official care so much about the remains of a philosopher who was hounded from country to country on charges of atheism? Why would Descartes' bones take such a strange, serpentine path over the next 350 years—a path intersecting some of the grandest events imaginable: the birth of science, the rise of democracy, the mind-body problem, the conflict between faith and reason? Their story involves people from all walks of life—Louis XIV, a Swedish casino operator, poets and playwrights, philosophers and physicists, as these people used the bones in scientific studies, stole them, sold them, revered them as relics, fought over them, passed them surreptitiously from hand to hand.
The answer lies in Descartes’ famous phrase: Cogito ergo sum—"I think, therefore I am." In his deceptively simple seventy-eight-page essay, Discourse on the Method , this small, vain, vindictive, peripatetic, ambitious Frenchman destroyed 2,000 years of received wisdom and laid the foundations of the modern world. At the root of Descartes’ “method” was skepticism: "What can I know for certain?" Like-minded thinkers around Europe passionately embraced the book--the method was applied to medicine, nature, politics, and society. The notion that one could find truth in facts that could be proved, and not in reliance on tradition and the Church's teachings, would become a turning point in human history.
In an age of faith, what Descartes was proposing seemed like heresy. Yet Descartes himself was a good Catholic, who was spurred to write his incendiary book for the most personal of reasons: He had devoted himself to medicine and the study of nature, but when his beloved daughter died at the age of five, he took his ideas deeper. To understand the natural world one needed to question everything. Thus the scientific method was created and religion overthrown. If the natural world could be understood, knowledge could be advanced, and others might not suffer as his child did.
The great controversy Descartes ignited continues to our era: where Islamic terrorists spurn the modern world and pine for a culture based on unquestioning faith; where scientists write bestsellers that passionately make the case for atheism; where others struggle to find a balance between faith and reason.
Descartes’ Bones is a historical detective story about the creation of the modern mind, with twists and turns leading up to the present day—to the science museum in Paris where the philosopher’s skull now resides and to the church a few kilometers away where, not long ago, a philosopher-priest said a mass for his bones.
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對於很多生活在這個普遍弱智時代的人來說,被稱作知識分子或許是一種侮辱,它意味著傲慢,意味著狹隘和鑽牛角尖。但是“知識分子”一詞也能包含著一種看待世界的方式,這種方式如今非常令人遺憾地變得日益稀有,我們或可將之稱為對個人習性的一種堅持。P4 這本書不是對現代性...
評分一部分基督徒喜歡宣傳這樣一個說法:因為現代科學的奠基人比如笛卡爾、伽利略、牛頓、萊布尼茨等等都是基督徒,現代科學也是在基督教社會中發展起來的,所以,基督教不僅不與現代科學矛盾,還有大恩與現代科學。其實,這可以算是“後此謬誤”的經典案例瞭。(注:拉丁文是 post...
評分for 每日由新 還沒追完《隱秘的角落》嗎?沒關係。這篇文章不會有劇透。 已看完瞭《隱秘的角落》嗎?太好啦。希望這篇文章你也有興趣。 笛卡爾是今夏全民熱追劇集《隱秘的角落》裏一個意味深長的存在。至於如何“意味深長”,基於本文絕不劇透的原則,您大可自己去觀劇、去解讀...
評分一部分基督徒喜歡宣傳這樣一個說法:因為現代科學的奠基人比如笛卡爾、伽利略、牛頓、萊布尼茨等等都是基督徒,現代科學也是在基督教社會中發展起來的,所以,基督教不僅不與現代科學矛盾,還有大恩與現代科學。其實,這可以算是“後此謬誤”的經典案例瞭。(注:拉丁文是 post...
評分for 每日由新 還沒追完《隱秘的角落》嗎?沒關係。這篇文章不會有劇透。 已看完瞭《隱秘的角落》嗎?太好啦。希望這篇文章你也有興趣。 笛卡爾是今夏全民熱追劇集《隱秘的角落》裏一個意味深長的存在。至於如何“意味深長”,基於本文絕不劇透的原則,您大可自己去觀劇、去解讀...
"Cogito, ergo sum"... limited material -> not convincing... worse? -> not funny Orz...Prob gonna skip a chunk...
評分"Cogito, ergo sum"... limited material -> not convincing... worse? -> not funny Orz...Prob gonna skip a chunk...
評分"Cogito, ergo sum"... limited material -> not convincing... worse? -> not funny Orz...Prob gonna skip a chunk...
評分"Cogito, ergo sum"... limited material -> not convincing... worse? -> not funny Orz...Prob gonna skip a chunk...
評分"Cogito, ergo sum"... limited material -> not convincing... worse? -> not funny Orz...Prob gonna skip a chunk...
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