漢娜•亭蒂,美國文學雜誌《一個故事》創始人之一,《動物怪譚》獲選為2003年美國懸疑小說,海明威文學奬次奬,被翻譯成17國語言.長篇小說《THE GOOD THIEF》獲《紐約時報》年度好書,被譽為“第二個愛倫坡”。
With bravura storytelling, daring imagination, and fierce narrative control, this dazzling debut introduces that rare writer who finds humanity in our most unconventional behavior, and the humor beneath our darkest impulses. In these strange, funny, and unnerving stories, animals become the litmus test of our deepest fears and longings. In the title story, an elephant keeper courts danger from his gentle charge; in a oeMiss Waldrona (TM)s Red Colobus, a a headstrong young woman in Africa is lured by the freedom of the monkeys in the trees; in a oeTalk Turkey, a a boy has secret conversations with the turkeys on his frienda (TM)s familya (TM)s farm; in a oeSlima (TM)s Last Ride, a a child plays chilling games with his pet rabbit; in a oeGallus Gallus, a a pompous husband projects his anger at his wife onto her prized rooster. This fresh, inventive debut will introduce Hannah Tinti as one of the most gifted writers of her generation. Enter her world at your own risk, and you will come away bewitched.
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《如何活化心中的靈蛇》是一篇充斥著黑暗,怪誕的元素的小說,它用那些令人驚悚的形象將象徵手法發揮的淋灕盡緻。 小說的主人公“她”曾經是醫學院的學生,一個偶然的機會結識瞭情人弗瑞德。這個哥特風的男子在她傢寄養瞭一條蛇。弗瑞德後來消失瞭三個月,他再一次齣現在...
評分這是一本翻開就停不下來的書。 由世紀文睿齣品的《動物怪譚》中譯本,是美國作傢漢娜•亭頓的短篇小說集,曾獲選為2003年度美國最佳懸疑小說,並獲海明威文學奬次奬。 全書的十一篇小說,內容精彩又引人深思,每篇都與動物有關,或直接、或間接,通過動物的穿...
評分仿佛能看見作者講故事時波瀾不驚的眼睛。 故事裏頻繁使用雙綫甚至多綫結構,和大量插敘。抽身於事外。 用上帝的角度,冷眼旁觀一切。“珊蒂大學念的是生物和動物學,畢業後她的教授聘用她助理前往非洲叢林做研究。她自認為在這方麵很擅長,因而做瞭一些不該...
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