Tony Rice received his first degree and PhD in Marine Biology from the University of Liverpool. He worked as a curator of crustacean at the Natural History Museum, London, then spent 26 years leading the deep-sea benthic biology team at the Natural Environment research Council's Institute of Oceanographic Sciences. He now concentrates on writing books and acting as a marine environmental consultant.
"A rare and beautiful selection of works handpicked from the vast archives of London's Natural History Museum." ""The book's greatest contribution is to showcase the work of the artists who, usually under very difficult circumstances, so brilliantly served science and opened Western eyes to new worlds."" - School Library Journal (on the original edition) Voyages of Discovery is a mesmerizing visual survey of the most significant discoveries in the history of natural science exploration. Superb artwork and photographs spanning three centuries document landmark advances made in the field and bring to life the fascinating stories of the explorers, naturalists, artists and photographers. The book is fully illustrated in color with informative text and captions. Highlights include: Sir Hans Sloane's 1687 voyage to Jamaica, where he collected and recorded plant specimens, including cocoa, which are preserved to this day Maria Sybilla Merian's personal journey to Surinam in 1699, where in brilliant detail she recorded butterflies and exotic insects Charles Darwin's fateful trip to the Galapagos Islands, on which he cataloged finches and fossils William Bartram's fanciful documentation of North American wildlife Matthew Flinders' mapping of Australia, where he was accompanied by Ferdinand Bauer, perhaps the greatest of all natural science artists. The Natural History Museum in London has the world's most comprehensive collection of natural science specimens and artworks. Voyages of Discovery offers readers a privileged opportunity to explore that collection.
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評分《發現之旅》屬於那種每個人的書架都應該放上一本的書,它不僅內容老少鹹宜——既是自然史科普,又是素描課欣賞——而且長得實在太美瞭。 全書收錄瞭超過300幅來自於倫敦自然史博物館的珍藏畫作,鯷梨果樹、鞦葵、甘蕉、皇蛾、啄木鳥、鶴嘴翠鳥、孔雀、長尾巨鬆鼠、企鵝、海豹...
評分1.被雕刻的時光 小時候偶爾會畫工筆花草,發覺要想畫得細緻真實,就一定得對著這花一看再看,斟酌落筆。長大以後少瞭耐心去畫,但是看到這樣的畫作,目光總會停留一下,總覺得其中除瞭纔情技藝,還有被珍重對待的時光。 最初這本書打動我的也正是其中的插圖,自然界中的蟲草...
評分花瞭兩周,斷斷續續的看完瞭《發現之旅》。這本書打動我的原因就是封麵上的動物、植物繪畫太美啦,當然這些繪畫也能為我自己畫畫時提供參考,在我眼中,它更像一本畫冊,而不是自然史。 書的內容是自然史,某種程度算是科普讀物,讀起來文字流暢,淺顯易懂。重點是文字完全沒...
圖書標籤: 英國 博物 自然 繪本 生物 2012 畫冊 UTLibraries
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